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In this video we take a premade Marksmanship Hunter In Torghast to test it out and see if it’s ready for release!
Shadowlands Beta Torghast Thoughts & Overview
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#mmhunter #lonewolf #hunterlivestream
So Satisfying
If this is going to be as engaging as the Legion Mage Tower, this shit could very well be my jam.
Hey lone, kudos for zooming on important text. At times I watch vids on my phone – a doze of wow b4 sleeping. Keep it going brother
sorry if I missed it, but why do you use a Wind Serpent for Torghast? (and why the switch to the Stag?)
haven't seen the video, i am a simple M-man, i see yells of glory and click like
love ur vids but it makes me crazy that u dont pick up the anima powers ^^
Lone are you on Twitch?
do you think torghast will be fun to grind for end game though? It reminds me of diablo 3 greater rifts which get old quick.
Hey my main man next time u bg or do torghast add this song in your game it's call Pardon by T.I feat. Lil baby
Hey man, new here but been watching a lot of your vids today! What is the name of the pieces of armour your orc is wearing at the start?
Super interesting and helpful videos, thanks a lot! Need to catch a stream next
Hola amigo, es el primero video que veo tuyo, me gustaría preguntarte hasta la fecha que spec del hunter es la mejor para M+ y demás PvE, nuevo suscriptor
"somehow I hit him" you used your trap… thats what happens. You cant have 2 mobs trapped at once. Also not taking that anima power… so triggering xD Interesting to watch tho.
dude kyrian or venthyr ?
For ActionCam – Go into your interface settings, select accessibility, then under motion sickness pick allow dynamic camera.
Glad to see that you channel keep growing and growing! keep up the good work 🙂