Marksmanship Hunters in Shadowlands…

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20 thoughts on “Marksmanship Hunters in Shadowlands…”

  1. Damage is ridiculous, but idk it was very obvious they went you. You porting a Kyrian arrow won’t do anything since it breaks LoS issues. On top of that, MM hunters do 30% more damage to monks.
    You should have trinketed life cocooned

  2. Thats so lame, fast paced gameplay is fine, but there is 0 counter play to that, except maybe pre trinket the go and blow every defensive to live, just so you can die 100-0 to the rogue 15 sec later. And ofc the rogue will have summer too, because that shit is 45 sec duration 🥲

  3. this game is so shit sometimes..
    People saying survival is Stier, followed by BM, and marksman being absolute F-tier shit …
    But then you see clips like this and people everywhere playing marksman and i'm like ??? which one is it, shit or good?!

  4. Imagine, they actually let the game in that such ludicrous state for the whole lifespan of the expansion which is 1 year and a half. Says a lot about how much they care about it. Could literally fix all this nonsense in a week or so, nerf most bursts' damage for 40% , fixed ! 🤣

  5. He would've died through BM cocoon. He more than likely would've also died through wall + BM cocoon.
    There are very few things he could've done to live here:

    1.) He could've trinket -> meld (he's not nelf, the best mw race)

    2.) He could've trinket -> port -> diffuse(off gcd)/revival as this should cleanse the arcane buff from resonating arrow, preventing the hunter from shooting LoS. (he probably doesn't even know this was an option)

    People keep mentioning positioning, the hunter was 3min immunity trinket, no matter where they position, they're not going to be able to peel for him.
    I'd also like to mention that no healer lives here w/o trinket w/ the exception of paladin using an immunity. The next best thing would be trinket fade from hpriest… and any other healer doesn't even have the tools to survive this no matter what they do. (not to mention that rogue was just waiting to dr stun trinket)

    Holding trinket there was just dumb but also there isn't really anyway you would've known you were 100% going to die there; very little time to react if you weren't anticipating NF hpal kyrian 1 shot.

  6. Yeah mate it's fucking bullshit… Imagine 2 hunters coming out of steal, both insta freezing you AND your team mate, straight into both Aimed Shotting the healer down… It's actual aids

  7. The 2 piece set bonus is ridiculous as well as how the MM hunter scales with gear.
    The Dev team spent so much time focusing on what "other " streamers were whining about (Warlocks) that they let many of the awful design continue.

    Resto Shammys, Disc Priests , Resto Druids and Holy Priests can take a lot more damage than a Mistweaver by far.
    I feel like it is so dangerous to even play a Mistweaver that one is relegated to basically healing more than being part of the team whereas other healers can chip in easy enough on dps etc.


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