MASSIVE Shadowlands Profession Change!

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This could completely change how you plan to set up your professions in Shadowlands. A good or bad change? Let me know in the comments down below!

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33 thoughts on “MASSIVE Shadowlands Profession Change!”

  1. I'm wondering if armor crafting is even going to make money beyond the first 6 weeks of this patch. BoP reagents in recipes are generally what keeps the value high and Legion/BfA gave us systems to consistently acquire those BoPs. If this Mark II is the only barrier to entry, your window for big profit is going to be a month at most and then it will drop off considerably. It will make armor crafting feel like Contracts, small window of profit (but amazing profit). I'm starting to think that gathering is going to be the biggest consistent money maker again, like it was in before Legion. Specifically herbalism as you're feeding both the Darkmoon Card, missive market and the Alchemy consumable market which means strong demand for herbs for several months. Assuming that the multiboxers don't tank the market….

  2. It absolutely sucks! It’s gated behind very stressful content, harder on pure healers or those who cannot gear into high content. The Maw is triggering anxiety, now pretty much closing me off of even using professions as a way of content for pure relaxing fun. I guess I will level up quite a few, farm elsewhere mostly mats and return to the game each time there’s more lore and questing. The Maw will likely become the favourite place for multi boxers as they will have the group power to survive and then turn each into a high profession source of income. Grouping could be an option but helping someone getting their reputation up means adding competition, something goblins don’t like. Not happy! 😢 At least Revendreth was interesting and something you could grind solo.
    So thank you very much for the info… it’s really put a spanner in my ability to play this new expansion long term in a meaningful way and I am grateful to find out beforehand.

  3. The negative: I was going to do "Threads" on my Alchemy/Inscription, and Enchanting alts to be able to craft this for my Leatherworker to use when crafting gear based on the cheapest mats.
    The positive: Now I can pretty much focus on my main (the Leatherworker) which I enjoy playing the most anyway.
    The result: I'm fine with this. I'm not going to complain at all.

  4. ​One more thing, first raid is two weeks after start of SL which drops ilvl 200 gear, might be a problem when we can only craft ilvl 168 after the two week grind to get Mark II

  5. As you said, that's probably a good thing in the long term. But i'm quite sad about it, there is no way I can be ready for the raid release on my main and farm the maw on my alt with the craft profession.
    Just to be sure, the Crafter's Mark are still bind on pick up right ?

  6. TYVM!
    1) Is "a couple of weeks" pretty aggressive. My very quick take is 21000/60 is 350 rares or 25 rares per day for 14 days. What is a rep play session in the maw? WQ? Another change is that I can have undergeared mage crafters if they are going to be in Oribus but not grinding on killing things in the maw.
    2) So while the CM2 gear recipe seems like a real grind, just how much will people pay for 168 gear when normal dungeons/unrated drop 157? time saving is nice, but would it ever be that expensive? I.e., how desirable is the CM2 gear? What do you see it selling for after a week?
    3) I agree that expulsum was a good way to keep profits up. IMO, it helps a lot more than recipe gates. The first person to get it may do well for a few days. IMO, once 30 crafters on your realm know the recipe, profit margins will be low and not that much better than if 300 or 3000 know the recipe.
    4) Is there a contract for this guy's rep-in-all-but-name?

  7. Well the people who use professions purely to make money will love it but those who mainly use professions to gear their characters will probably have better gear from dungeons by the time they can make the 168s. SMDH.

  8. I think the change to putting it in the Maw is good, but the rep requirement is too high. It should be in the rank below Cordial or even the one below that. Level to 60, do a couple days worth of Maw content, unlock it. This is BFA rep grind for patterns all over again as it stands.

  9. PLEASE GOD ALMIGHTY, Blizzard, please remove the enchant converting system. Disenchanting an epic item won't feel valuable at all when you can just convert up and down to other disenchanted materials. I definitely won't pick enchanting anymore if they keep that feature in the game.

  10. Okey, so Here is a kinda offtopic question. How does it work with the access to shadowlands? Does my characters need to complete some specific quest line in bfa to be able to enter shadowlands or is it enough to be maxlvl and bfa? Want to prepare the alts 🙂

  11. Found this through the Wowhead article. I've been in beta since August, and the Maw went from almost tolerable (during that brief, glorious time when we could mount) to awful to downright "what the HELL are they thinking?" The Maw is absolutely the worst zone in the game, period. They wanted it to be scary and exciting — get in, get done, get out, to paraphrase Ve'nari — and they keep making it more essential for you to grind your way through it.

    They need to fire whatever dev thought the Maw would be fun, delete the Maw (and give us the original infinite level Torghast), give blacksmiths sockets, put the other recipes back on regular old rep vendors in places that DON'T suck, and then maybe — maybe — turn the Maw into raid for a future patch.

    I can't wait to see the general public's reaction to the Maw. What a damn disaster it's going to be.

  12. I'm not in the Beta so I have this in mind atm:

    I have a 50 Mage, 50 Rogue, 50 Druid and 50 Hunter.

    I want to do Professions and this is my idea with them is as follows:
    1. Mage(Human) – Tailoring/Enchanting.
    2. Rogue (Night Elf)- Inscription/Alchemy.
    3. Druid(Worgen)- Herbs/Skinning.
    4. Hunter- Leatherworking/Jewelcrafting.


  13. Crafted gear with Crafter's Mark II is item level 168.
    Heroic dungeon gear has an item level of 171.
    Mythic +0 loot is item level 183.
    World Quest loot scales up to item level 200.
    World Boss loot is item level 207.
    Non-Legendary crafted gear is dead on arrival.


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