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Is this the weapon Zovaal and Sylvanas have been waiting for to destroy the World of Warcraft Shadowlands?
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I dont know why so many people set on love and that she did love nathanos. If she says "we cant even choose who to love" it would basically mean she was forced to love nathanos no?
Hi Acco, sorry I have missed your live streams. Lots of problems.
my own theory: Sylvanas was raised as a banshee by Arthas.
Arthas killed her, and claimed her soul to use against what she believed in, in life.
she reclaimed her body somehow, after the events of wc3. (i'm not sure how, but i must have missed out on some big lore moment).
she is now back in her old body, with her own soul. how is she not as much alive as anduin at this point.
her real body, her real soul. and yet she believes she's safe from "deaths" grasp.
she is no longer a soul, ripped from her mortal body. she is a soul, living in her mortal body. wich means (imo), she is just as much of a mortal as any of us.
plz tell me to shut up if my logic is stupid af.
Sylvannas is going to betray the jailor.
guessing Anduin will believe in the cause, and be used to do some major downfall
and this downfall will make he breaks down, making he ask void for the power to fix everything
i just realized denathrius is a fucking dreadlord lmao
Yes.. keep your free will and play a long.. or be made to serve, and no longer control yourself. Is how I took it. She wants him in his own mind.
Lmao I think this guy could convince me of anything
What if the arbiter and the jailer are both parts of the same original being… the arbiter is a machine created to harness the "good" part of Zovaal's being or soul… Zovaal was the original ruler of the afterlife but something happened to rip him in two… I don't think the hole in his chest is by accident or the soul orb in the arbiters… It parallels Uther's experience with frostmourne, and Zovaal seems to be interested in frostmourne?
The Jailer has that tunnel vision xD I need that weaponnnnn
The Light trade Calia for Anduin 0_0
But, what if the Light gave up Anduin to Zovaal for the use of being a weapon? That could make Anduin a servant at the master's table without him actually knowing it. Also, IMO the first lie is Anduin's most common saying "The Light is with us".
"So we're going to tear it all down". Who is the "We"? Sylvanas and Zovaal? or Sylvanas and Anduin?
There is also a moment of silence when Anduin ask that question to Sylvanas… "What makes you believe your not just a weapon?" She remains in silence a few seconds, and then she continues with her speech. I think Sylvanas is also having second thoughts on her joining the jailer, and it's like the goal or the reason she joined the jailer in a first place forces her to stay where she is… next to him.
When and how do i get this cutscene tho
I disagree that he agrees with any part of her plan – at least at this point in the story arc. Things may change as the story progresses. But the reason I don't believe he's fighting her on her premise, is because he thinks her basic assumptions about the jailer are wrong. It's like trying to argue the logic of a conspiracy theory. Rather than get dragged down endless rabbit holes of debate, he's pointing out the self-evident truth that the jailer fundamentally cannot be trusted.
In other words, Anduin is arguing from first principles. He probably considers this a recapitulation of when Arthas thought he could don frostmourn and the helm without loosing his soul in the process. In spite of everything she thinks she's doing, she's first and foremost in league with something that cant be trusted.
Anduin could easily be choosing to argue against her methods because he knows that's the better way to rattle her, not necessarily because he's considering her plan but doesn't like how she's doing it.
I think an important question about the Light is whether it seems to harm the other denizens of the Shadowlands like it does those of Revendreth. Of course, when focused like a laser, even the Kyrians would likely fear its power. But I get the feeling that they would have little trouble going into the light filled areas of said zone the same as we do. Though I admit that I could see the Necrolords of Maldraxxus finding it equally anathema.
Which makes me wonder why Zovaal would need Anduin, specifically. If the Light is no more powerful than his own powers, then why would he need them? Certainly, with Sire Denathrius on his side, he didn't need to subjugate Revendreth. So is it to destroy Maldraxxus? Is the Arbiter shielded against his powers and thus he needs to go after it using a different kind of power? If so, why not aim the Naaru they'd had trapped in Revendreth at it?
Are you sure they talk about anduin and not about us ?
yeah yeah sylvanas may be using zovaal for her own gain but i aint simping for her lol
On the assumption Sylvanas can convince Anduin of her greater goal and he convince the Alliance/help convince the Horde I think the next step in the story is Tyrande killing Sylvanas and then that would lead into the next expansion. Regardless of what comes out, I dont see any way this story doesnt end with Tyrande killing her. I'm just calling it now.
My prediction on what Sylvanas wants: (I also want Sylvanas to create her own extreme revolutionary army to battle the cosmic forces of the universe which includes Forsaken & Forsworn)
1. Destroying the System: Sylvanas wants to destroy the current system of Death since the system and purpose of the Shadowlands doesn't give the deceased free will and rest but more work and servitude for the Plane of Death. Also, she wants to destroy the system of the cosmic forces that places all mortals (Alive & Dead) to be under their servitude.
2. Controlling Fate: Sylvanas wants to destroy the cosmic forces, deities, gods, Eternal Ones, and First Ones who make the decisions of how the universe and mortal's daily lives should be run. She wants mortals to rule themselves not the cosmic forces and deities. That's what Sylvanas meant by controlling our fate.
3. This is what Sylvanas will say to the player, "I wish for a movement of mortals away from the cosmic forces towards rational society, built in a kingdom by the mortals, for the mortals."
Jailer is gonna steal that Naru and anduin will be like"oh the great naru, i see now"
Where are these videos you are showing found ingame? I thought I did every thing story related, didn't see one of those 2 videos (yet). So I have to have missed something.
What if Sylvannas ultimate plan is to Find and Kill Arthas for good, and why would she ally someone who is the master of the Lich King Arthas that killed her while defending Quelthalas?
Am I seeing a reincarnation of Arthas, within Anduin? I mean they both are/were part of the light. Both had mentors that served the light.
What if Anduin would have been first before Arthas? would Anduin become the vessel of domination and instrument of death for Zovaal.
What if Arthas was now instead of Anduin chained up close Sylvanas? Would they still play out the same or similiar scenario ?
What if Anduin is reincarnation of Arthas-like, but also at the same time, Anduin might have (Void), what Arthas didnt have had inside of him, to which point Anduin might be the successor of Arthas.
And now once Anduin becomes the successor, the vessel of that holds light and potential the void, combining both light n the void, that instrument of life and death becomes the ultimate that go upon light and the void at the same time.
That bascially could make you wield the power of the entire cosmological scale, with light and the void, not just the power of the maw, and/or bastion itself.
You’re reaching like a lot of your videos.