Meet Brann Bronzebeard, your companion for Delves in Season 1 of The War Within! April 25, 2024 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ source
Imagine if we could do all dungeons solo so 40 year old's don't harass me for not having mastered the game by now. Reply
Oh good. Another thing where we have to wait on an NPC and listen to dialog instead of learning on our own. Reply
😅so that will be the daily quests to get him leveling up I'm guessing he won't be able to go to raids or areas 😅 Reply
Can't wait to dive on in!
are we finally gona meet The Darkness, the one from HS involving kobolds expansion
I'm about it. 🎉
scenarios 19.0 cool
wonder what AP will stand for this xpac
Just allow player to transmog the guy
Imagine if we could do all dungeons solo so 40 year old's don't harass me for not having mastered the game by now.
So basically torghast lol
Basically they just took what swtor does and made it better.
Torgast farming 2.0 …
Single player dungeon? Yay….
Thanks for the info, inquiring minds just gotta know!
Nice try tempting me with pet brann 😾
Looks good , im blown away actually
Canceling sub, good luck. terrible future
Please gift me the expansion blizz
Or you can play SWTOR, they did it better in terms of companions.
yes but whats the point? What do we get besides the joy of levling brann?
Almost every feature here in War within are heavily inspired by FF14 no doubt
Would there be Reno Jackson?
Overall more grinding with baboon npc
just another rebrand of the tower
Slavery update
More solo content in mmorpf mooooooooooore
Is this like an expanded version of BfA island expeditions or torghast?
Another thing they are taking from eso
So… what does Horde Players get?
Why they doing stuff like that, from 40 people raids to playing solo
Oh good. Another thing where we have to wait on an NPC and listen to dialog instead of learning on our own.
No Tank Brann?
😅so that will be the daily quests to get him leveling up I'm guessing he won't be able to go to raids or areas 😅
About 5 years late with this. Should have had this idea for solo raids long ago.
reminds me of Guild Wars one