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Welcome to my mistweaver monk mythic+ dungeon guide for Shadowlands Patch 9.1. In this video I cover setup and gameplay advice as well as many frequently asked questions. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:
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I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.
0:00 Intro
2:42 9.1 Changes
3:37 Race & Stats
5:22 Trinkets
6:36 Enchants & Consumables
7:42 Legendaries
9:18 Covenant & Soulbinds
12:12 Talents
14:33 Rotation
18:13 Cooldowns
19:27 Utility
Thanks! Looking forward to the resto shaman guide! 🙂
Hello Growl, this is friend, druid when?
Pour one out for everyone who got swept up in the PTR hype and rolled a Venthweaver to renown 40.
Let's f.cking go ! MW content :pog:
Great video as usual. Your comments about mastery are unclear though.
4:50 mastery is good for healing but doesn't help your damage
9:35 mastery doesn't do great for healing but it's really good for damage
Sort of missed the damage rotation there, so just one stack of teachings then proc black out kick or 3(full) stacks? 🙂
Poggers dude! I was really looking forward to playing some MW in fun keys!
Something to note: MW is a spec that has very balanced covenants, and can gallantly play all 4 of them. The trifecta being Kyr, NF, and Necro, with Vampybois – although still good – lagging slightly behind. It’s basically Kyrian for healing, NF for damage, and Necro for a flexible middle ground. A reson not to play Night Fae MW though is that it’s a covenant favoured by many dps speccs, and you are in a pushing group of friends that need covenant X, then MW can perform great in whichever covenant that may be.
Another quick note is about the Kyrian legendary Call to Arms. Having two Chickens on separate CDs, with WoO at 80 seconds with Mikanikos, and with Jade Bond (somewhat) bugfixed to now let Chi-ji reduce his own cooldown should not be underestimated. While ATotM is amazing, CtA may come to compete with it at higher keys, if your team is, as accurately described, ”Zoo animals” 😉
Amazing vid overall! Always awesome to see some MW love <3
Literally an hour ago I spent all my soul ash and money on creating the Morning Tear lego because I read that is the good one. God dammit.
Not a MW main, but both the damage and healing changes they made feel really good. Surprisingly good to be honest. Hadn't had that much fun on the spec since BFA fistweaving with Way of the Crane. Mind you I'm doing it in WW gear for the most part with around 20% vers
that "turret healer" you mentioned, i did that exact thing with 20% haste and 36% critical strike and i will explain why critical strike was my main stat of option in the second paragraph. i was able to heal +15 fortified prides with no cooldowns, just spamming enveloping mist and have it cleave with my tear of morning legendary without mana issues, because i know how to not overheal. sometimes i threw some vivifies to enable the lifecycles passive to save a bit of my mana. im planning to do that as well in season 2 and hopefully i will succeed in doing above +18s, something i wasnt able to do due to anxiety for over-arching demands for prides healing, and since that affix is gone im now more relaxed because of it.
the main reason i have not chosen versatility in my mythic+ power package, is because of the damage taken uptime in my whole dungeon timer. out of the 25-35 minutes of any dungeon run– if i had versatility as my main stat, lets say i was at 20% versatility!!!!, my highest damage taken in a single run, in season 1, effectively, was around 1mil300thousand+(possibly~20%versatility which is 10% damage reduction), which leaves us with 130thousand added into our initial damage taken. in conclusion, if i had 0% versatility, i would take 1mil430thousand damage in my "whole" run, of which 50% would solely consist of pride damage, which could very well be negated, with the right usage of defensive cooldowns. HOWEVER, i went for critical strike, and too much of it of course. so the math would be, lets say, IF i have 50% critical strike, that would make me 100% stronger, 50% of the whole mythic+ dungeon time– which effectively makes me 150% stronger overall. in my case though, having variables such as DR into account, then i was simply limited by that factor.
my stats
the minimum mastery
7% vers
and speed because i gotta satisfy the hyperactive child inside me
The bis race is actually night elf so you can shadow meld into drink in between pulls when the tank is doing bear pulls.
I'm a simple man, I see MW I click on video.
Amazing video as always Growl, been waiting on this video since you showed us the thumbnail on the stream hahaha. I'll try MW this patch, I've missed playing with my green boi
Keep it up! and gratz on the all timed 20 on all healers, that was very pog to watch!!
Mistweaver's class design is similar to a shaman or a holy priest. The base class design is to be a ranged, mana-based healer. The default rotation is very similar to a Shaman's, with renewing mist standing in for riptide. However, unlike Shaman, that's kind of where it ends with mistweaver. A shaman has healing stream, earth shield, healing rain, it has high efficiency spells that benefit the group to spend some GCDs keeping up. A priest has prayer of mending to keep up, but then has holy words to maintain, high efficiency spells that require a bit of maintenance. The basic priest design can use renew as a reasonably efficient filler.
So a problem with mistweaver is the basic class design is that you throw up 2 hots and then either stop healing, channel a soothing mist for 5 GCDs, or use your inefficient heals. Shaman and Priest throw up their riptide or prayer of mending, but then have efficient options to fill the rest.
Then the basic thing you do outside of healing is your damage rotation for mistweaver which requires melee range. It is trivial, hit RSK, and then push your other buttons. Technically you get the most damage from stacking 3 tiger palms and then using blackout kick, and you get slightly more resets of RSK if you use BO every other GCD, but it's so close it doesn't matter for the basic monk design. For shaman and priest it's also trivial, for shaman you can throw up a flame shock at range whenever you have a free GCD, and it has a chance to give you a free lava burst, otherwise, you prioritize flame shock and lava burst on CD and fill with lightning bolt. For Holy you use Chastise on cooldown, maintain holy fire and shadow word:pain, and then smite. Smite has a chance to reset holy fire, so recast that if it is available, and smite will reduce the CD on chastise. Both Shaman and Priest will do more damage. Their damage is not reduced by armor, it also scales much better with SP than monks does. You can also hit a target from anywhere and throw a spare GCD into a SW:P or Flame Shock while moving.
Then we layer on talents. Talents give the other classes some additional efficient healing tools to use some button presses. A shaman can get things like Unleash Life, Earthen wall, Cloud Burst Totem. Holy doesn't really get new button presses with the current meta, but the class design allows them to pick up Halo or Divine Star which are both efficient and powerful short cooldowns that can be used in periods of efficient healing. Mistweaver doesn't get these types of abilities. Instead mistweaver abilities either increase the potency of your efficient heals, the efficiency of your potent heals, or allows you to do moderate healing while attacking. Rising Mist lets you heal allies who have your HoTs on them and delay refreshing for a few seconds. Chi-Ji does minor healing and lets you cast a potent heal for free, and Spirit of the Crane lets you recover MP.
What this means for mistweaver is talents largely don't affect playstyle. The playstyle is still "cast your 2 hots, then go melee until you want to spend a lot of mana." the difference is that with the talents, some of the healing will allow you to put off needing to spend a lot of mana for a bit longer if they are able to effectively heal. But Chi-Ji is on a long cooldown, so this can't be relied on, Rising Mist relies on the duration of your HoTs to be maintained.
Then we layer on legendaries. For legendaries we have the same really boring types of options as we do for talents. Tear is the option for to make your efficient spells more potent. Renewing mists will spread when you heal and renewing mists healing bonus is increased. Clouded focus is the option to make your potent spells more efficient. When channeling soothing mists, your potent spells cost less mana. ATotM is the one that makes your attacks do some moderate healing while attacking.
Then we layer on covenants. Weapons of order increases healing effectiveness. Fallen order heals for you. Bonedust brew increases damage. Faeline Stomp deals a tiny bit more damage than spinning crane kick because it's not reduced by armor, and does some healing. Nothing very impactful here. There's nothing mind shattering like Ashen Hallow or Convoke the Spirits, nothing that increases your damage significantly, or buffs the party.
So maybe the idea of the mistweaver is supposed to be like this. A calm rotation, make sure your renewing mist is out there, and then calmly meditate on a single target, until you need to burst into action, MW is definitely one of the most explosive healers, the single target throughput is pretty high with soothing mists, enveloping mists and vivify. Alternatively, you can find your meditative state in the pace of combat instead of channeling soothing mists. I think a lot of players though want to press more buttons, so one of two things happen. The first is they are playing it ranged, and impulsively pushing too many buttons, which just burns through mana. The other is they are playing it in melee and focusing too much on that and failing to keep their renewing mists up or reacting to damage events quickly enough.
But to me, it seems like it's missing something. It doesn't feel like a combat healer like a paladin or disc priest. It doesn't feel like a pure healer like a holy priest or a resto shaman. I'd like to see some small changes, if Thunder Focus Tea could reduce the mana cost of essence font, or if soothing mists and rising sun kick could build a stacking buff like meditative focus that reduced the cost of essence font but is consumed on other spell casts, I think those things could work together. I think the atotm style is fine, but I think the base style needs improvement. These improvements, they wouldn't significantly change the style, but it would give the base class a bit more structure, you want to build the stacks for mana reduction of essence font from a ranged style with soothing mist or from a melee style with RSK. This means that when in you're high efficiency mode you would be able to deal with minor party damage events while maintaining that high efficiency state. But when you need to explode into action those efficiencies are gone. Maybe a return to chi. The idea that doing some abilities that build a meditative focus state let you do more in that state, and then that clarity can empower you when you sort of go into a chaotic potent state. At least then there would be some kind of flavor and style to the class.
I don't even play monk but your voice is so relaxing to listen to
Hello friend this is Geli and wife
“The gear isn’t that good” casually pulls out 222 I lvl :/
I abandoned my Rsham for MW just over half way into Season 1, and I was able to secure top 500 NA of all mistweavers for season 1. They are indeed a slept on spec for monks, and often bring a lot more utility to certain situations I have found, compared to other healers.
Is this the part where everyone says, oh ive played MW this whole time and ive never doubted it once. so underrated.
lol right
One thing about the Kyrian leggo is that MW is ok with the desync of Chi-ji and WoO. This makes Call to Arms strong because more chi-ji uptime means more damage. Does it overtake AtotM? Its close I think and if you don't like teachings then call to arms is a better leggo than Tear imo
im pretty sure the serpent statue doesnt only last 7 sec, its when you heal with soothing mist, it will also heal your target with soothing mist for 7.3 sec but it doesnt despawn you just recast and it will recast
I don't understand how you're getting so much healing with AToM. I tried using it at almost every chance I could on a 15 and it slightly more than 10% of my healing. Maybe I'm trying to use vivify and renewing mist too much, but I have good vers and 235 item, and it does not seem to heal that much overall. I also wonder maybe it's just getting wasted in over heals?
3 stacks on ChiJi is overkill. You can cast EP really fast with 2 stacks and a bit of mana. Istacasting EP takes GCD anyway.
My brain cannot parse non-Pandaren Monks. Like I just stop seein' em. Why is that nameplate floating over nothing? We'll never know.
Panda racial Deadly Calm also as an extra interrupt
Hello Growl this is friend 😔
I prefer Tear legendary as it's more flexible if you also raid. Teachings is useless for it.
Hey yummy thanks for this amazing guide. In how many +targets i should spam spinning crane kick instead of fistweaving?
I played all healers in 15 keys except my mist, I didn't have the patience to learn to play it well. I did like ancient teachings though. Played with a mistweaver pug in first key of tormented and he was awesome though, and hardly had to drink at all.
For new MW looking at this don't forget :
– Chiji (and yu'lon) spread a HOT when you cast envelopping mist called envlopping breath. This is the green icon you see on Growl UI when he uses the bird. It spread on 6 people but with a small range, the heal is great.
– In 9.1 revival proc mastery, so you can combine with kyrian (weapon of order) or simply use essence font just before to have the double proc of mastery.
– Your vivify cleaves on every ally with a renewing mist, helps for AoE healing (but that's pure basic stuff)
– It costs less time to hard cast vivify than soothing mist + vivify. Don't use soothing mist if you want to cast only 1 spell
– You can break essence font channel during keys, you only want the HOT and the proc of the leggo.
Looking at rio, it seems like more of the top ranked MWs are running Tear legendary. Is this because they're in raid gear when they were scraped, or is it just more viable in ultra high keys?
I'd like to see how do you play on new raid with this set up.
I'm playing mistweaver, and I really don't want to swap on fistweaving – just don't feeling this kind of play atm.
I killed yesterday 5 out of 10 bosses with guild on a new raid, did decent hps, was trying different talents combination, and according to my playstyle, and raid bosses mechanics, beeing fistweaver can be challenging and I'm not sure it is worth it.
What about Raid?
The rotation should be rsk-> tp -> bok , not rsk -> bok -> tp.
9:35 "Mastery doesn't do great for healing, but it's really good for damage" Uhhh growl think you might've got that wrong haha Gust of mists is nice for spot heals and doesn't interact with our dps cds but I think you just misspoke 🙂