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MM Hunter is BROKEN in Shadowlands (Part 4)
WoW 9.0 Marksmanship Hunter PvP
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I love my hunter
BBBBAAAAAABBBBUZZZZKAAA Ohh you little rasko LOL i felt that deep to my core too.
Addon for the Cds over enemies Healthbar? someone? 😀
Please someone knows, which addon Bajheera use for nameplates? I was searching and found thread plates, but I think these looks different.
I'm not a PvP guy but u make me want to learn it so I can yell Babooshka!!!
Babushka – it's grandmother on Russian
Why is he yelling "grandma" while aimed shooting?
I completely agree about a lot of classes feeling good! Games feeling great, lots of returning players too! Super stoked for the xpac!
Haven't played since wotlk but this seems like fun!
6:08 lol
Noob question but have you ever made any MM pvp guides? Or can you recommend any so we can share in the powers of babooshka?
babushka !!!
I don't think any bg will ever take the place of Arathi Basin as my favorite battleground. So many memories. Close 2nd is Bajquiqui's favorite, Warsong Gulch.
Good times.
Edit: How many of you had fun in Cataclysm on pvp servers with massive world pvp in Tol Barad Peninsula while doing dailies for the drake? Spinebreaker US was insane sometimes. I've literally seen 2 full raid groups plus smaller groups for both Horde and Alliance at the same time. LOL
Don't forget you can Hunter's Mark those rascal rogues now 😉
Your clickbait titles are so annoying
Nice content:) name of name plate addon?
Bajheerea's ongoing crusade to do everything he can to get Hunter nerfed before SL. (just don't touch his warrior).
Why do you keep screaming Babushka while playing hunter? is hunter makes people russian? xD
Well ofcourse MM is strong and fun when you arnt being focused down.
Without pocket heals they trash if you snub the Aim Shots
Sey babużka im mind grandmother
Whats Baj maining in SL?
lvl 29, calling things broken in shadowlands.. ehm
Love your channel @Bajheera, which addons are you using? It seems to make a good actionbar and good perspective.
Nice hits!!!
whitch addon do you use to see the enemis health bar?? Thanks!!!!!