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In this video I’ll talk about the MMORPGs that I’m going to play in 2024, like Throne and Liberty, Ashes of Creation, Final Fantasy 14, World of Warcraft, elder scrolls online, guild wars 2, and more
►MMOs By Population Size:
►FF14 REVIEW IN 2024:
#mmorpg #mmos #mmo
►The Perks! 👉
►My Setup🖥️
►PC Deals 🖥️
00:00 MMOs Im Actually Playing in 2024
08:16 FINAL FANTASY 14 (FF14)
12:25 GUILD WARS 2 (GW2)
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►The Perks! 👉
You should show up for Looters sometimes Lucky.
Albion Online EU Server is coming. I am waiting for that. Let's see
dune wont last, but the latest movies might push players to it, Final Fantasy online expansion is probably going to be awesome, path of exile 2 kind of just looks like a dlc to the first game, WOW does a great job of sucking players in and their souls completely out…i know several friends are just sick of running keys in dragon flight…im thinking of giving last epoch a try…. throne and liberty i never had any hopes for, not in the slightest. it just reminded me of black desert and i will never trust another korean game that releases to an american audience second
i stopped playing the TL KR version 1 month ago because is 2 much pay to win and the game release in KR is the same as global release… this game dies after 3 months of release waste of everyone time
Looking forward to trying out Monsters & Memories again. Hopefully sometime soon.
The last 3 you mentioned are ARPGs, not MMOs. I really wish people would stop saying they're MMOs when they 100% aren't. You also mentioned that one of the honorable mentions (which had no tag), Soul Frame, would be an MMO like Warframe is but Warframe isn't an MMO – it's similar to the Destiny games where it's an online RPG but it's a hub-based Online RPG meaning you'll see other people in a hub but otherwise in the open world you see no one unless you're grouped up or in PvP. The creators of Warframe even said that they're not an MMO and to stop calling them that.
you will receive the eso builds an update for update 41?
which I love to copy and play! 🔥👍🏼
Thanks for your builds.
how will you not get burnt out man….lol FF14 on xbox is my hype!
Hi Lucky! Just want to state something:
I’m a mainly Ashes Of Creation Content Creator (although in Spanish) and stating that it’s a mainly PvP game is a miss conception.
Ashes does have tons of PvP systems that make the game feel “real”. I mean, you can chose to kill someone but you have to bear the consecuences.
But it’s not full loot, doesn’t exist a PK city, you stack debuffs, etc
Also the game sever mainly expands through PVE content, nodes, dungeons, events, etc
Ashes it’s a mainly PVE game that lets the player choose if they wanna risk themselves to a fight or not!
Anyways, great video!
missing you on ESO
Great list man! Cutrently playing Guild Wars 2 and Last Epoch…been wanting to try New World but i dont want to buy it and not like it as theres no free trial
i played Throen and Liberty on the Korean servers thanks to exitlag and a VPN and idk its got some fun aspects to it but the meta leaves you fighting for a tank or heals in dungeons as Crossbow and daggers is the all beit meta for endgame or greatsword daggers but play what you want for sure but you'll be leveling on a crawl and barley getting items or xp as rewards for events if you're using weapons that don't have aoe and fast ttk.. as far as the pay to win yeah you can swipe to get the best stuff off the market or level to 50 do your dailies and get like 3 token type things and get your daily paid currency and if you have 3 lvl 50s can easily build enough swipe currency for free to buy stuff off market but then its down to just rushing content and such to then buy market items to either fule your current gear to scale up or get its trait
If the game doesn't stand a chance against dinosaurs like FF14 or WoW right from the start, why start?
For me, that's a big red flag
From what I've heard, you're limited to the games you're reviewing, so I can honestly recommend you to skip GW2.
The game didn't add anything new that would make it stand out from the competition you mentioned.
Honestly burnt out on MMOs with swords, magic, and dragons. How about some first person shooter MMOs that is not Destiny or Warframe, and is not p2w? Any chance there are any of those on the horizon?
TL is amazing for the first few months. After 100 days, there will be a huge gap between full trait meta whale players vs F2P players.
Some good epic were locked behind world boss drop which require Guild raid(who's willing to share its drop) or lucent or a powerful dps team to get drop from open world boss.
What headphones are you using?
Servers. We need better servers. Cheaper better servers. Less server greed. Bad servers are destroying good indie games.
Dune Awakening could be akin to whatever game that was Kirito went to after the Underworld
AOC is not inspired by L2 jts inspired by Arche Age…. 🤦🏿♂️ Literally just a fan service to AA.
Im so tired of vertical mmos. As an adult I just don't have time to invest in them. I'm a good raider but I have too much going on irl like work and school. Anytime I get a group of friends together to raid I end up losing them to the fact im not able to static every night from xx to xx. Then I see them online running that same raid 7 days in a row with no sleep for 1 drip drop of armor that's literally just going to be replaced in the next patch. I just can't do it anymore. I'm not in high school and I'm not able to sacrifice that much free time to something that's just going to be outdated in a few weeks. It feels punishing to the player. This is why I quit wow and ff14. ff14 is a little easier on players but wow is toxic. Like I couldnt do anything with anybody unless I grinded 6 weeks for enough ilvl to be considered a good player. Once I got there, a patch would come out and it would be nothing but, " you don't have enough dps, you need to grind up again to be able to join us." Just not fun, it's a full-time job.
Botting and P2W systems ruin games. There are a lot of games that would have been pretty good, but they end up flying too close to the sun and burn out fast. it really is a shame.
Thanks for the Updates! Appreciate it!
GTA 6 will come out before "Asses" of Creation.
nice URF music in the beginning lol
ESO bleh….another year of minimal content.
Get on some Ravendawn!!!!
I was playing ArkSurival now playing Palworld. I will not be buying any upcoming mmorpg if games keep releasing at $70.00usa. I will not support game inflation. Inflation is a type of cancer.
I’m over here still playing Everquest 2. You guys can have your fancy new MMOs.
Wow is just to cartoony for me
Gunna be sticking with ESO. Can't stand most pvp, the community here is less toxic than most, and the lore is good. They love crafting and lets you be social or not but still do end game content.
1 Throne is bad game
2 Ashes will be release around 2026 not 2024 🙂
3 FF is not for me ugly graphic and no pvp
4 WoW is good game but right now is more for casual players
5 ESO and GW2 never saw or played
6 New World is just trash mmo with wooden gameplay
Yeah I wont spend another penny on D4…
Should play Albion Online, great game.
we need more people doign stuff on bless unleshed its a good game and we need more people talking about it
AoC's art style is a real let down, i was really hopeful for the game, but the way it looks, i don't really care about it anymore
I didn't even know the Warframe team was working on another type of more fantasy style game that's really awesome thanks for the info!! Long time WoW player, but I think I'm finally done I personally have been really disappointed in WoW retail I think the last really good expansion was Legion so as much as I wanna believe this one will be good I'm ready to hang the hat on them. Even if the story is good the game play is too restrictive per the player base really using addons to exclude other players and it makes the game not fun at all. I been hoping Blizzard would make more cooperative play more rewarding like they do in GW2, but for whatever reason they've allowed the elitism to overtake their game.
man tap targeting mmo sucks
WTF ashes is a pvp game primarily? FFS. Well Im outm damnit i was looking forward to it roo.
Ah, no Lost Ark?
Im really hyped for Dune Awaking.
Hope it turns out as hood as it looks
I’m looking for a good multiplayer game kind of elder scroll, I tried already path of exile, all diablos and stuff like that, any recommendations? I’ve looking for the past 5 days on PS5 PLEASE
I've been enjoying Lost Ark a lot kinda sad that it didn't make it into the list :/
God, the mmo genre is dead for the coming year.