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the reddit atheist is still alive and well
Stream date: 12-02-2024
#northernlion #clips
43 seconds no views, librarian fell off
NL been dressing recently like he goes to the local coffee shop every day strictly so people see him writing/typing a new novel
1:09 you can tell the headshake is both because of the bad roll, and that he regrets making a WoW reference.
The rest of the gang realizing they can just stonewall Ryan's clipfarming/twitter brainrot bits is an interesting shift in the power dynamic lol
Retail wow is chill because its pretty much all just furries that refuse to play ff14 because there's no furry races in that game
2:07 Allegory of the cave
1:51 when you nut but she keep sucking
"I know, democrats looove talking about politics" ryan is the instigator
We're librarian guys, of course we were still playing with legos in 2004
i know exactly what he's talking about with the gnomes and cats and i love that for myself
The FSM references go CRAZY in 2024
as someone who plays OSRS half the things Justin said are still true 20 years later about 80% of the time in MMOs
The Pogging Barrel
NL: I've been playing hardcore wow recently
Encyclopedia: The term also signifies certain varieties of pornography that depict penetration, just so you know.
2000s internet for some dudes really was "wow you can just do things" around every corner, possibly the greatest open world experience ever created
When I left a zone I'd ask similar leading questions too, then come back an hour or so later to find those poor bastards still arguing about it
Barrens chat went insane
wow mentioned i can finally die in peace
Boys, I don't think we're getting an NL OnlyFangs arc
i mean really who amongst us hasn't committed fraud using our wow accounts
The jerusler got me
Watching NL get partied is very funny
as someone who plays wow "We were all gnomes but we turned in runecloth to ride cats." made so much sense to me that it didn't even register as a weird thing to say
The pogging barrel…
aubrey plaza
He's so churlish nowadays. Downright devious. A real rumpelstiltskin.
NL getting partied + ratio + L + (WoW W)
i would honestly love if they got together and did classic wow hardcore for a bit.
we like our egg drippy, bruh
turning off the chat every time I enter the barrens so I don't have to hear the real live equivelent of an orc give his "political hot takes"
that credit card story reminds me of justin mcelroy's story about buying a Cincinnati Reds ball cap at a game by signing up for a credit card when he was 16, then blowing a ton of money and not being able to pay it off, which led to him getting calls "from men with progressively deeper voices threateningly asking about the money they'd very much enjoy getting back" and its so insane to me that giving teenagers credit cards with huge limits used to be legal lmfao thanks obama (complimentary)
Absolutely cannot understand how anyone is still playing that thing. You gotta have like turbo autism and Stockholm syndrome or something.
t. one year of playtime
I'd pay 10k USD for him to play hardcore classic lol
we're runecloth gnomes, of course we ride cats
We're WoW players, of course science is real
I remember playing WoW when I was around four years old. Burning crusade was so good as a kid. (Although, I recognise I was probably too young to be playing that game).
I know this sounds like a redditor take but I'm sad kids these days will never get to experience the true golden age of gaming
I love how he tries to interject into a conversation with his own “me when I” bits it’s so good
Older millennials talking about MMOs and their horror stories is why I still treat the genre with malice to this day. I’ve tried a few. Never stuck. Always feels like I dodged a bullet when people who play them talk about how much they don’t like them but keep playing. Anyone else feel the same