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Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: Asmongold compares Shadowlands new Sepulcher of the First Ones raid parses to Classic TBC Sunwell, people have clearly stopped caring about modern raids.
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i disagree that retail is dead and believe its more of a seasonal migration. after all what will you do in retail if you finished your content ( mythic plus, mythic or pvp) ? you will also find this true when retail get new patches while classic don't.
Thats only logs from 4 weeks it's set on 9.2.5
Lets be honest, WoW ended at wotlk. That was the end of the story that started in wc3, which was the reason a lot of people started playing wow.
The thing is , the people he’s hypothetically arguing with can’t understand basic math and statistics anyway so he’s literally talking to a brick wall.
And this is why dragonflight needs to come out this year
Our guild just cleared BT for the first time, and are starting to move into Sunwell.
Can't wait. Yeah we're a bit behind but we're having fun 😀
TBF, sunwell has ONE difficulty and its easy as fuck, or course it's going to have more parses.
This is also the very end of the patch and those parses are over the last 2 weeks lmao, the only people raiding at this point are those trying to wrap up CE, maybe if these numbers happened in the first month he would have a point but at this time it's a shitty time to try to compare
no one plays retail for raid thats why.
Holy copium of defending modern WoW in chat and in the comments, and the false narrative that classic is bad. Numbers dont lie like Asmon said. Older mmo design is simply superior to modern, devs tried to take mmo genre in a weird direction and it failed, 15 year old games are beating your numbers, get a clue and go back to what has worked and stop trying to innovate just for sake of innovation without understanding the core principles of what an mmo should be.
People are and or have killed the game sadly :/
You can't compare…. even heroic is significantly harder than anything in tbc. Let alone mythic, it's not even remotely close. Like comparing super Mario to touhou max difficulty. Of course more people play Mario.
Tbh guys not alot of ppl use Parses in retail compare to classic i feel this is not right or unfair + look at how many classes are and specs u can play in retail its way more that classic , retail is not that great but dont shit on it more on numbers that are not right .
I quit WoW 8 years ago. I still have no interest in coming back but still watch Asmongold.
One day I might give up on life and come back but I hope not.
Yeah its different to play same game after few decades ….u will never steps into a same river.I play since classic to modern retail …everything changed.. but at first we are changing,gettin older,smarter,more experienced ..have less time and more duty ..when i was between 15 and 20 i could spend hours in the game, now after 15years i saw a lot of in the game,and i feel i dont need go trough again and also my time managment its hard to connect it with a family life when you are a father a need to take care about your kids. i still make a streams but all streams are late in nights when im back from work and kids are sleepin from this point i cant imagine im somewhere in the zone between southshore and alterac and killing that bandits also want a bring to few my wievers something interesting what can help then understand how to do tings etc so now after the years the solution of provresing mythic dungs is good to me also i uderstand why people are playin older versions they are super fun and competitive but made in time when we werent parents so game is expecting you are 100% focused into this.Also thinking about how type of wow content im looking for when i want to watch something from wow enviroment.I tell you i like to watch esports from wow,how to type videos,enviromental music for background uses,and also that wowcraft type videos x) So your life position is more important how you actualy looking at game today x)
nuke retail, start from vanilla world and go osrs style
When old content you've already done 50 times with annoying loot systems is better than the current content you haven't seen with somehow worse loot systems.
RNG and pray somehow turned into slot fiesta, and raids went from enjoyable to addon watching.
And idk about everyone else but our guild decided to take a break until wrath
Retail wow sucks. Its a pet farm. Gtfo.
The fact is, majority of people playing retail are doing m+ and raid maybe just to clear it for curve or something.. if you compared parses with m+, the numbers are 20x higher than with raiding.
Devs make games to keep streamers engaged, not us casual gamers who have real jobs in the real world.
God i love how Asmongold thinks parses determine the life of a game.
Go back some years and will see numbers in parses much higher but now it's just all down.
the log numbers got resettet with Patch 9.2.5
Well I love raiding in WoW…our guild has over 120 wipes on heroic Anduin and I STILL look forward to it every week. I could care less if only 100 people play I will still as long as I am enjoying myself and having fun. Still by far the best mmo in my opinion.
Why raid now when you can farm mythics to get gear
Why does sunwell have 300k logs for one class? Even kara only has like 30k… Something seems a bit off
The difference between CN, SoD and Sepulcher is that SoFO doesn’t have any worthwhile gear apart from 285 mythic tier pieces. They only add a small number of stat. The only people who are raiding mythic are completionists, and achievement hunters/min-maxers.
Both classic and retail have very low numbers if you remember that every idiot in WoW classic raids.
I stopped raiding a long time ago, so much time and effort with no rewards, and maybe most of all it just wasnt fun. I felt stressed because i was locked in my chair for all those hours. When doing mythic dungeons i know im only locked at most for 30 mins. I dont think people today want to be locked at their seat, like when we where young.
Now check M+ logs and remember pretty much no ones logs M+…yeah