Mograine's Bane – A World of Warcraft Animation

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The Scarlet Crusade”s closest bastion to the Undercity, the Scarlet Monastery, is home to the scarlet commander Renault Mograine. A troubled man, who was influenced by Grand Crusader Dathrohan to commit a heinous deed. Posessed by the dreadlord Balnazzar, Renault lead his father, the Ashbringer Alexandros Mograine, into an ambush. Renault murdered his father with the Ashbringer itself, leading to it’s eventual loss and corruption.

While Renault Mograine is a painted as one of the great Warcraft villains, the tragedy of his story is considerable. A son plagued by eternal regret, while he and the Crusade hold off the Scourge in eternal isolation, driven to paranoia, in the vain hope they can survive together and alone.

In this machinema I tell the romanticized tale of the fall of Renault and his monastery. I can only hope it as fun to watch, as it was to make. In this tale I forego the aftermath of the Ashbringer questline, preferring to leave the ending open to interpretation.

All feedback, comments, likes and subscribes are truly much appeciated.

Enjoy, for Light and Lordaeron!



3 thoughts on “Mograine's Bane – A World of Warcraft Animation”

  1. Enjoy! The Video! Let me know if it's any good!

    Open video description and use 'Show Transcript' for the best subtitles!


    I, commander Renault Mograine,

    Once dutyborn, lightstrong,

    the eldest Ashbringer son,

    my soul now forevermore in pain.

    Et tibi pater!

    My lady, forever by my side,

    The last thing left of my pride.

    My final support,

    In this plague surrounded light fort,

    This monastery we now all call home.

    My father, I did slay,

    Vainglorious, it pains to this day.

    My betrayal, gravely untold.

    Mea culpa!

    Commander of the Scarlet Crusade,

    I’m afraid it’s now quite too late.

    Fairbank’s room, now my eternal doom.

    Memento mori!

    Mea culpa,

    pater mi,

    in umbris erravi.

    Lux tua quaero,

    sed sanare non possum.

    My fault,

    my father,

    I wandered in shadows.

    I seek your light,

    but I cannot heal.

    Sero venit!

    Filius portantis cinis,

    Mors iam venit,

    ad te tandem.

    It’s too late!

    Son of the bringer of ash,

    Death now comes,

    for you at last.

    Infidels, they must be purified!

    Mograine has fallen,

    you will pay for this treachery!

    Arise… my champion!

    At your side, my lady!

    Commander of the Scarlet Crusade,

    I’m afraid it’s now too late.

    The last human Light,

    against this forsaken blight

    The monastery,

    falls to… blasphemy


    Lux et Lordaeronem cadunt,

    Dies tristis humanitati,

    Surgat iterum,

    sol Purpureus.

    Light and Lordaeron fall,

    A sad day for humanity,

    May the Scarlet sun

    Rise again.


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