Monks Get A Big Revamp In 11.0.5! New Talents And Shadow-Pan Hero Talent Buffs | The War Within

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42 thoughts on “Monks Get A Big Revamp In 11.0.5! New Talents And Shadow-Pan Hero Talent Buffs | The War Within”

  1. I didn't play with the broken talent on my monk so it's a net buff for me lol. That being said though, I think WW needs more tuning still. Their damage caps hold them back a little compared to other classes. Ret being the biggest outlier now that Fury is getting a cap. It's weird blizzard hasn't touched Ret AOE at all.

  2. Wait but they added in the first Hotfix: Enveloping Mists cant be dispelled? So now there is a PvP Talent which gives the shield that you mentioned (Dome of Mists), that will be a baseline talent? I dont understand so did they made it Dispellable again or is it dispellable and you have Dome of Mists if it will be dispelled? 😀 i dont know anymore man, i'm cooked

  3. I wish a monk talent was "Long toenails" or "skadoosh" from Kung Fu Panda.

    Thanks for the video – just love monk playstyle so much. It's been my main since it came out. Healing multitasking of fist and heal is great fun.

  4. While I think the flurry strikes changes are good, I think there should be a node choice somewhere that makes it so flurry strikes charges up to 240,but can charge to 300, and it replaces TP, consumes 240 charges and makes it cost no energy This would make a lot more sense and give the players some control.

  5. They should just buff rising sun kick and fist of fury damage for more ST. And maybe add some more aoe burst to our burst windows? I'd be happy with that. Also, I'm loving the new changes coming to shadopan. Overall, dmg buff imo. Im just afraid that we will still fall short from fury/frost/rets.

  6. Oh look, brewmaster ignored yet again.. not even bug fixes.. top brewmasters not even selecting capstone talents tells u how bad the spec is atm. They will always be a fine tank because of how stagger works but come on blizzard…

  7. Hello fellow monk. Quick question, I'm leveling my monk he's 71 now and my damage is fine but I can not for the life of me find my mastery buff to track it when I start doing my combo strikes. Am I missing something?

  8. monk is really week in m+
    and more better items other classes gets monk will sink even more.
    good luck to be invited in m+ high keys as a monk with a pug.
    i was expected a decent aoe buff or something to make up for having absolutely nothing else like a party buff or lust

  9. really happy blizzard decides that brew just doesnt exist anymore, like VDH and Blood always gonna be top, no matter what, anyone remember all the videos and predictions and hype there was around brew looking really good and predicted to be one of the best if not the best tank when we were still alpha beta? and how everyone was predicting blood to get hit really hard and the nerfs were crazy and everyone was pissed….? yeah here we are bottom 2 tanks, feels awful, tank like paper, progging at all? thats a lie, doesnt happen. cant get invited to groups, get flamed even if you do, paired with community of leaving instantly from groups if you dont like something or 1 thing goes wrong, always being compared to any other tank then getting kicked when they realize you do nothing to par with any of the others classes besides pally maybe and even then ive been passed up for one for blessings, im 616 8/8n 7/8 H 3 characters with KSM+ and yet i still get out dps my tanks 10-15 ilvls less than me, have between 500k-1.5mil health less, monks are no where in top tier for tank and we get utterly ignored, its actually pathetic how blizzards balancing staff is working.


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