MoP Remix: Cool Gem Combos To Try! Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #78

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Dragonflight Season 4, Cataclysm Classic, The War Within Alpha and the Mists of Pandaria Remix, take your pick!
For now we focus on helping each other out with tips! I double down on my strategy for success while sharing a few choice gem combinations to help you blast through the Remix!

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

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26 thoughts on “MoP Remix: Cool Gem Combos To Try! Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #78”

  1. 4:33 Brittle was one of the gems I ended up with pretty early and I have never removed it. So good. I get people have…opinions…about Remix, but it’s such great fun and the team trying something different that pays off.

    Edit: And we get a new Bob Bop?!?! Nice.

  2. < has 3 almost 4 70's already, hunter's at 67. I've done every zone besides Townlong and Vale. Got the heroic dungeon achieves on 2, Can't live through the first couple minutes of a heroic scenario, so i ain't done shit on those, that shit needs fixed.. the scaling is dumb…

  3. In other news: The Tian Monastery and Sul Pearl Ensembles are completely broken and unable to be collected because apparently their "Shared Appearances" that are non-Cosmetic are already unlocked through Wandering Isle content.

  4. MoP:Remix is a total dissapointment in my eyes, the PTR had everything right, it made you op, and they even say that it should make you feel op, but this washed up scaleing and even with a super juiced cloak and 400 ilvl+ gear you feel like slapping the enemy with a wet noodle

  5. additional tip: max out the Prismatic Gems at Legendary Quality as you level, they will help with the scaling at 60+ as they give the most of that stat + STA, which equals a TON of health when all is said and done.

  6. I really hope we get a hotfix for ordos and the Isle of Thunder campaign, especially, To the skies. Those 2 points nearly soured the whole thing, as well no mini mana bomb toy.

  7. Those are great synergies, Soul! I also like the one that ramps up your core stat when you take damage and how it synergizes with the one that will sacrifice health (but not below 80%) to make you hit for extra holy damage. I'm doing brewmaster monk and still in my "general loadout" phase, and there are some I can move around now as I approach 70!

  8. honestly the god damn farms being nerfed after a couple of hours is just stupid, instead of nerfing the farms, buff the other shit, and why did blizzard not learn that putting player power and cosmetics against each other on the same system is a BAD idea? if upgrading a single piece of gear costs tens of thousands of bronze… but you also cant easily get that quantity of bronze… something isnt right

    my suggestion would be to not tie in gear upgrades to the bronze currency and instead you upgrade gear at the same npc for upgrade token:

    every lfr raid boss drops 1 upgrade token that upgrades a single piece of gear by one upgrade level
    every normal raid boss drops a token that upgrades by 2 levels
    heroic raid – 3 levels
    mythic – 3 levels plus garrosh drops one that upgrades 5 levels

    first daily normal dungeon drops a 3 lvl upgrade token and every normal dungeon thereafter a 1 lvl token
    first daily heroic dungeon – 5 level token and thereafter a 2 level token
    you can even put a cap of 10-20 such levels as a whole per character on it, that way people with higher content clearance will level up faster but not more

    have the loot droped scale with your overall item level, if your overall item level is 227 then 230 drops, if its 230 then 240 drops etc and you might ask "but then whats the point of doing higher raid content if i get the same amount of gear from normal and heroic?", good question, for that i too have 2 solutions:
    either increase the bronze amount per dificulty
    or make the bosses drop MORE loot per dificulty per player so on mythic you might get 5 pieces of gear per boss, that way your overall item level increases faster in mythic compared to heroic etc

  9. They need to do something about buying random gems. I dropped 10k in Bronze and got two crit gems. As a DH wanting that sweet sweet crit, I was a bit annoyed.


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