More Hacking / Botting in Classic World of Warcraft

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A guildy noticed a lot of rogues were farming Black Temple so I went to check it out. They were blatant bots. Most of them would decline group invites and requests to join their raid. I eventually ran into one that accepted. Using my priest, I was able to mind vision them and see exactly what they were doing.

I posted a video 2.5 years ago of bots doing basically the same thing. So it comes as no surprise to me. I was pretty impressed with the route it takes to get there. How does it float right in front of adds and not aggro them? Anyway, Blizzards anti cheat is a joke. Wall clips, floating around, invisibility etc. Its like they have GM mode unlocked yet the “anticheat” somehow doesn’t detect any of this.


23 thoughts on “More Hacking / Botting in Classic World of Warcraft”

  1. Could probably hire a buncha joes and literally pay them in wow tokens/sub game time to monitor and ban these bots, but multi-gatrillion dollars company Blizzard just absolutely stumped on how to navigate these bot infested servers.

  2. i wonder how this works, like how is his hack interacting with the game to allow him to basically treat any point in the z axis as his new floor? its kind of fascinating lol

  3. I wouldn't say that blizzards anti-cheat is a joke, i would just acknowledge that the people who make these bots are good at circumventing it. Think about it that way: Suppose blizzard has a procedure that checks whether you are cheating. What if the person that cheats knows exactly what they are checking and simply changes all values that are checked to normal right before the check happens. Blizzard can't really hide their checks and therefore if the bot creator knows what he is doing then blizzard can't do anything about it. Might not be easy to grasp for someone who has no knowledge in this area, but i am certain that blizzard will never be able to detect that with software only.


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