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0:00 – Intro
1:09 – Holy Paladin Nerfs
3:13 – Mage Nerfs
4:20 – Unholy Death Knight Buffs
5:29 – Hunter Buffs
6:58 – Frost Mage Buffs
7:34 – Mistweaver Monk Buffs
8:21 – Missing Changes
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Maybe the bursting sores talent I thibk it’s called will increase Necrolord strike by 1%. Need to get all hate vers gear now! And why all of a sudden is heart stop aura a problem?
The fact that there is 1 ability with a 4 sec cast time that WILL kill anybody – 100 to 0 – still baffles me. Yes, Convoke can be interupted, but there are simple addons available that will tell you if your target has trinked on cd, and other cc-freeing abilities and interupts on cd. So, you need to just play until you can land a stun you know will stick, press one button, and your target dies. I dont understand why they haven't nerfed this 😛
Go buff rdruid
when you say "insane" pally nerfs, do you mean "insanely worthless" pally nerfs? Those nerfs did nothing, ran a bunch of games and they're still not running OOM and not dying when they sac
Still new players will be destroyed instantly in BG's…
The more advanced the PvP stuff will come the more ridiculous it will be in BG for new players or understuffed ones…
I don't understand where is the fun to have stuff stats in BGs… -_-
Can't wait to test changes for the SV Hunter
Bullshit balancing that certain spells talents conduits just works different in each combat type or area and hard to track these invisible changes trough the seasons, bullshit that classes just forget some spells and then suddenly remembering them like mage Alter time, Deep freeze, Arcane displacement, Mana burn, Drain mana and Im sure theres a lot more
i hope elemental is getting nerfed soon
its broken under the radar
source ? I dont see the same one Wowhead
This is nothing holypala is still God
You don't think WW monks need a nerf on their burst?
Why do people complain about enhancement shaman healing? We literally have one to none defensives, at least let us survive for more than a second, which we still dont vs rogues, fmage and retri sometimes
nerf ele shaman too somehow skill cap forgot to mention?? im wandering why?
And for some reason WW monks are still dodging the nerf hammer
yo what the fuck you actually wanns tell me unholy dk is weak ?💀💀
WW still outputting over double the damage any other melee puts out across a 5-10min game. And untouched by devs…
Good changes BUFF PRIEST
this is my favorite tv channel
sooooo my 2on2 comp (affli + hpal) is dead, good to know
Every time I see these I get nervous that shadow priest is just going to get nerfed to oblivion again
lets nerf everything good!! BFA 2.0 INC
This specs needed nerfs, but I dont belive this are the correct nerfs they needed, we will see how this will work
Necrotic strike is still useless!! And ohhhh no not mana nerfs to pally for fights over 5 mins!!!!! Its an instant burst meta ffs. Fire mage and pally will still be tops. These changes will do fuck all.
Insane Holy Pally nerf? More like not enough. It’s what they deserve. Make holy shock and toll a 2 sec cast pls
Warriors are next lol
I quit playing because they ignore Havoc DH, looks like I’m quitting permanently due to still no changes.
Good to know my teammate moonkin will continue to 1 shot with convoke people with my aura mastery active this week too!
unholy needs one more thing and its cdr to death advance
Leave tanks alone!!!
Imo Hpala isn't broken, it's just the only healer that can actually manage the insane burst of this meta (yes the prot legendary is broken though). The other healers should be brought up to that throughput level and things would actually even out a lot more.
Where the hell is moonkin nerf? Wtf dude
Finally Cerva spec got some treatment. 7% would be more proper tho, this meta is too crazy even for 7%, let alone 6.
Combustion power level not touched one bit, very funny. Convoke no more Full Moons fallin, still 70k of dam, whole team gets busted to execute range. Windwalkers, spirits feared, a guy is hitting with 45% of dam, right? Why is he droppin my teammate solo? No-no, tiger is on me, and droppin me. Actually droppin, ye. What thaaaa…! SP… Well, ye, SHADOWlands, after all.
ns is still trash dont hype
Insane nerfs? Oh so people have lost again their time playing a specific spec. In simple words do not invest in imbalances games
Nerf ele + convoke ffs
Fuck you rets don’t need to be nerfed they’ve been nerfed like 5 times already. Nerf warrior because there are way of them in the AWC. Unsubbed this channel is garbage lol
Mistweaver need way more buffs. Also Holy Paladins aren't even OP. Its just that the other healers are so shxt and underequipped in this bursty meta. Holy pala is only healer spec thats well rounded.
Damn, my pally:(
Prot pala is fine
buff DH
Keep nerfing hpala while resto shamans heal just with riptide chilling at 90% mana
Buff affli locks dot damage, corruption and agony are terrible they should at least be 50% higher!!!!
I’m normally a 2k rated player but in the past few weeks I dropped from 1800 to 1500 and keep dropping in 3s since the constant nerfs to paladins I just don’t see how anyone can survive the idiotic burst that’s in shadowlands I’m struggling to see how paladins can put heal everything it just doesn’t seem that way to me I have almost 30% Vers and die so so fast
Just buff mana pool regen of Prist and druid – no need to nerf paly mana… it is too much nerfs already..I am OOM same /dmg healing VS shamans ( 80-90 % still). If Blizz wants nerfs now is time for shamans than….. but I am more for Buffing not nerfing anyways.
Bro all these ppl asking for nerfs to EVERY CLASS 🤣. Like gtfoh. Y’all want to nerf: Rogues, mages, warriors, ww, dps druids, paladins, shamans. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Unreal
The bigger the difference between a good player and a bad player the better it is. Think about that. The whole reason wow pvp is in such a bad spot is that this gap got smaller every single xpac. I just miss the time when you had to put in some serious time to even master your dps let alone your complete spec.
Enhancement offheals are the only thing that makes them playable, besides 1 defensive and hex u ain’t got shit, and besides that u can only cast it 4 times before u run out of mana, reason why I stopped playing it