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IT IS TIME TO ABUSE THE MOST BROKEN ABILITIY IN SHADOWLANDS LIGHTNING LASSO. I hope you guys Enjoy the video! If so make sure to hit the Like and Sub Button
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Love u
Tower of Torghast = Garrison
yoo primordial wave buffs lava burst for ele not lightning bolt xD
Love the editing man, really entertaining
Hype af for the ele gameplay brother. The burst is so dumb once you get the right prio down.
wow this hurt to watch😂
A tip for you as an elementle main. Wait until you get a lava surge proc then pop storm keeper. After that use ur echoing shock. Use lightning bolt, then lava burst then lightning bolt again. If you use that combo, that is the biggest burst than an eleshaman can do its its more or less a guaranteed 1 shot.
I am the worst ele in the game. I shall watch this and become the worst in the universe!
i love lazzo 🙁
as an ele shaman, i loved watching you do this haha. I started playing enhance because of you so I’m glad you’re playing ele!
love the videos!!
yes Yes YES
Just realized your character name is stoopzz lol
I literally CANNOT imagine waiting 4 months until the next content update. This game is already boring as it is, and 4 more months of Torghast and dungeon spamming? Give me a break
bro u are doing it so wrong xd remember u need to put master of elements buff inside your goes before stormkeeper bolts (meaning lava burst before at least the first zap).
But elemental is so much fun on torghast after the last patch 😀 permanent earth ele with permanent earthquake and tons of powers to boost earthquake, I was literally just walking while my earth ele was killing everything 😀 + faster flame shock ticks + that other power and you are a meatball machine
addon question: what's the addon that shows the enemies casting bars?
How you go in 15 ppl to arena ?xD wtf
Ele burst with equilibrium is stormkeeper -> skyfury -> primordial wave -> echoing shock -> use all CDs -> lava burst -> 2x lightning bolt -> earth shock. It's best to wait for a lava surge proc before commiting and bonus points if you get another proc and fit a lava burst between the lightning bolts. Since you are playing with primal elementalist you can pop your fire elemental and use meteor as part of the combo.
Why Enhancement doesn't have Laso? 🙁
hahahahahahaha i know that feeling goging in as enhancer without windfury enchants on weapons – feels so lost xD
Stormkeeper>primordial>echoing>lava burst>lighting bolt mate.
0:50 the gingerbread man strikes again
LB before stormkeeper, so you can the extra 20% dmg from master of the elements. Same with lasso and ES. Also.. the earth shield leggo is broken for ele in 2s. It heals so much.
Lasso isn't over powered. Most people's partner just kicks it (grounding down they cast an instant then off Gcd kick) its good but not op
bro you gotta be more careful, just swapping to ele like that, you almost did some damage you need to watch out
Welcome to why I quit months ago. Been playing Ele since TBC. Despite the fact that they are the strongest they have ever been. The game is just zero fun. Arena is a gy simulator.
Love the videos Claakers – Sadge on no Beta :*(!!! Same – You should try Ele in TBC.
"I was thinking in my head: what buttons am I supposed to press" sums up exactly my thought process when I tried Ele for the first time 😀
“Imagine being Alliance lel” =‘(
Havent even seen the video yet and i know im gonna like it <3
Hey dude, you should try saving your burst for when you have 60 maelstrom then echo that fatty earth shock. If you get a lucky crit you can take 30k hp off them in 1 global 😀 if you don't want to wait for that, you can become a lava burst machine gun by using prim wave, echo, then Lava Burst. Guarantees at least 3, usually you'll get some overloads too!
wow pog very nice
Why does Noone play wow anymore? At this point I'm too afraid to ask.