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Let’s look at which specs gained the most from their iteration in BFA coming in Shadowlands, whether it’s from talents, new baseline abilities, passives or extra choices in playstyles from Legendaries.
0:00 Intro
1.52 Protection Paladin
5:05 Brewmaster Monk
8:05 Elemental Shaman
9:52 Enhancement Shaman
12:30 Shadow Priest
15:40 Outro
Yay ! Another awesome video for sure !
I like your videos.
I appreciate you
Honey wake up! Another Izen Hart video dropped!
Glad I stumbled upon your content. There's no fluff just useful info. Much appreciated.
Another great video.
I was about to write an angry comment like WTF no new videos today from you, and this just appeared. A good start for a day.
Another video another solid effort. Thanks!
While mechanic wise SP did get a nice upgrade…they still remain as flavorless as they got after Legion.
They tried to change their theme to void caster BUT as it stands they have no void flavor at all…they are more like a purple smoke factory throwing purple smoke at people.
"Void form" doesn't even get any tentacles anymore…
Guaranteed that Survival and Holy Priest make the next video of “specs that didn’t get shit in SL”
Your outro needs to change. We need something more funky
I'm certain the most improved will be shadow priest.
5 least improved specs… Mage, Mage, Mage, Holy Priest, BM Hunter
Ez Clap
I might main prot pally
Balance druid????
Affliction Warlock belongs in this list.
Not Frost DK lol
You should be grateful to Blizz for supplying you with a steady feed of content to make videos about with their endless tinkering.
I've been thinking a lot about what makes a spec "improved" or "better".
I feel you have the best channel so far from this content.
I've seen other content creators say things that boil down to like: This spec now has more tools and does more damage — improved!
I never understood that. I guess I fundamentally believe that you should not be good in all areas at the same time. If you are really good at single-target stuff, perhaps you should suffer a drawback in AOE (or some other area, utility IDK).
I feel that this mentality of having the cake and eating it too is truly one of the core issues that caused WoW to rot over so many years.
Like, I could easily give warriors a bunch of new utility tools and increase the damage on their abilities by 200%.
Now they can spell reflect 3 times in a row. Their AOE taunt now groups enemies like Gorefriend's grasp. They have a shout that cleanses all magical, curse and poison effects from anyone within 30 yards. AND whenever they crit, all party/raid members get a 3second 30% speed increase.
Did I just improve warriors? Or did I just make them better?
Bra, check the pally timesstep 🙂
Спасибо за видео <3
next video about survival, fire mage, holypriest, protection warrior ?
Saying Spriest is not very tanky is an odd take. Whenever I heal a key with an spriest in it they're by far my lowest healing target since they pretty much self-heal through most damage now. They don't have great personal defensives for soaking 1-shot mechanics, however. Perhaps that's what you meant?
Can't decide on rogue, lock or spriest… Ugh. I think after the rogue nerfs it might be out of my choices
Good video. Straight to the point.
Quick question: Is that spriest weakaura custom made, or can i find it somewhere? 🙂
Edit: Found it – For the ppl that want it: google for Shadrazaars Shadow Priest
Which damage text addon is that?
Gotta love how they changed Prot Pally from a derpy CD based AM model to an actually fun one with player agency, and then basically made Brewmaster work with the Pally model they JUST FIXED.
How you gonna give Prot Holy Power again, but not return Chi to Brewmaster!? I guess they think we have enough to think about between Stagger and GotOx?
Next Video will have room for : Survival, Holy Priest and Demonology … i think i would have expected Subtlety and Moonkin in this list of most improved specs, and affliction which also works much better now..
Next video vinner is easily feral druid (most shitty and outdated spec in wow).
Positivity about Shamans? Is that legal?
0 healing specs, no surprise there
How did you get that animation in your insanity bar for shadow priest? It looks so good and I can't find it anywhere!
shadow priest Weak Aura wtb pst
Keep em coming love your videos!
Great intro dood
Frost mages unite! Haters go to bed!
Up there with the best WoW content
I miss the old mindblast sound effect man….
Intro of the year
this is awesome man thanks for helping me pick my main
Hey man can you share you wa for brm?