Mountain Thane Warrior in War Within Alpha

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Welcome back to MarcelianOnline! Today, we’re looking at the war within warrior rework and more specifically how mountain thane warrior synergizes with the changes to the talent tree. We got to test war within alpha and played a lot of Mountain Thane, granted on the first stages of the game but we can get a good idea and feedback on the spec.

There will be a lot more iterating until war within beta and we do expect more updates for the mountain thane hero talents so be sure to stay subscribed to not miss out on any update!

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44 thoughts on “Mountain Thane Warrior in War Within Alpha”

  1. Warrior is suffering from no visuals hardcore. Whirlwind/Bladestorm is iconic and it looks like you're actually doing things. They still don't have the utility that the other classes have

  2. In the video you say you dont have alpha inv till now. How could you test it? 😅

    If think they should redisgn second wind like the old one. You get a big hit and then a heal over 6 sec. So tank, dps & pvp would have a good talent

  3. I'm really waiting for warrior hero talents (as an arms) looks very good. The only thing I want changed is the overpower animation its made for dual wield and looks very stupid on arms

  4. Having class talents location force a pvp player to choose to suffer a damage loss to have shattering throw benefits my Ret. Maybe if warriors all opt out of shattering throw Ill only have to worry about the other dozen specs removing my dots/hots and defensives.

  5. they need to make stormbolt be a nuke ability for warriors… it's stupid to be something that does little dmg and a stun… what happened to it being a nuker ability when the target is immune to stuns? we need that back kicking a lot of ass single target dmg. not gonna lie, the warrior rework tree is ass… been talking about this with other peeps. we have agreed that the trees need more rework cause the points that we wanna spend on, have to spend it on something that we really don't wanna spend it on… it's stupid. i don't doubt that mountainthane feels good?? but it could be better. MUCH better.

  6. I’m like so desperate to make a single-minded fury, mountain thane warrior work for endless lightning bolts and a ton of avatar uptime 😂

    Will it work? No. But somebody has to be brave enough to make the meme build 🫡


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