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This video goes over why the Crafted Mount market is in a lot more demand than normal and how to start in the market if you have never attempted. Hopefully this can give you some more ideas on how to make gold as Shadowlands comes to an end. Thanks so much for watching and if you have any questions let me know!
Some Resources for Egg Hunting:
This Video is Meant for Hunters who want to Tame Serpents but is still great for Reputation Guide (End of video talks about eggs):
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✅ Gold Making Addons Guide:
0:00 Intro
1:10 Why the Demand?
3:02 Sales Information
4:55 Suggested Beginner Mounts
12:20 Outro
🎵 Music:
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide
Thanks for watching everyone! I left some resources in the description to help you with the Egg Farming if you are interested. There are plenty of Tutorials out there if you are a bit confused! Happy Goldmaking!
Awesome video! Thank you for making great content. Tips tricks guides world of Warcraft gold
the 20k upfront for the orb always makes me nervous if the panther doesnt sell, but when it does it feels so good
also the time it takes to craft for the carpets is annoyingly long ;-;
yea you might also wana show the locations for the farmed mounts too
Thank you for sharing this!!! I thought I was going to get a breather from my new jewelcrafter, but alas I still have some grinding to do. I'm honestly baffled as to why I didn't put together that people would be going crazy for mounts with the new achievement announced and all. Senior moment, I guess. lol
Well look who else is rocking the best monk xmog 🤣 thanks for the video. No one buys my panthers. Better for me with blacksmith and Eng. crafts.
I'm gonna pass on this one. Panthers weren't going for crafting cost last 2 weeks on azuremyst. Sitting on one now and I'll probably end up using it rather then selling for a loss.
Yet great vid, thanks for your time.
Your content is always great and well presented. Well done!
Another amazing video keep up the good work!
such a great gudie thank you! , also !! would you mind telling me what add-one You use for the quest tracker on the right (* >ω<) ??