Multiboxing Has Changed Forever In World of Warcraft

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Out of nowhere Multiboxing takes a big hit prior to Shadowlands! Having existed in it’s current format for near 16 years, finally Blizzard cuts back at the software that was able to make it so incredibly efficient for certain gameplay tasks.
What caused them to flip around on this stance though? Let’s take a look at both Classic and Retail!

Music used, In order:
Outro – A small track from Winterspring, “Winterspring 5”… @27min
#wowclassic #wow #warcraft #classicwow #TBC #TheBurningCrusade


26 thoughts on “Multiboxing Has Changed Forever In World of Warcraft”

  1. Multiboxers work harder on their toons, than anyone else in World of Warcraft. Having their dedication flushed down the toilet, is sad. Most sincere condolences, for whomever it concerns. My 5 Hunter team will no longer adventure together in Azeroth..

  2. You should come to try to gather some herbs to Nazjatar to my sever …. this at least 5 groups of 6 multiboxed druids (probably Chinese accounts) will not give you any chance …. mate ….. and yes they are there almost all the time ….

  3. I can't speak for retail as I don't play that, but it seems like it's a problem Blizzard have game-designed themselves into with items and abilities that enable people to break the game. As for classic, this is going to fix nothing. Maybe one thing, ganking, but if that's the case they should just ban it on pvp-servers. I'll transfer if I have to, I didn't gank anyway. And you can't multibox in bg since /follow doesn't work. Then you'd have to broadcast your mouse as well as your movement keys. Then just ban that specific use if that is the problem. As it stands now it's just going to hurt a lot of classic players. I see a lot of multiboxers around that are just playing the game normally with a small group, there's even a guild for them on my server. This is a hamfisted solution to a non-problem in classic. Ban it in retail. Ban it in pvp. Ban mouse broadcasting. They could do all this and it wouldn't affect anyone who was playing the game legitimately (or what has been considered legitimate until now), but banning it across the board is just a bad fix. Now I just have three accounts with leveled characters and I can't even kove the characters between accounts. I get that this doesn't affect the large majority of players but shit, it feels so bad to lose basically everything I've built up in this game over the past year or so and then have people with zero nuance and critical thought go "good, you deserve it" without even considering the effect this change has on classic, which is pretty much none. Blizzard basically ruined everything for me and hundreds of other players who weren't hurting anyone except their own wallets. I guess thank you WillE for stating the case as it is in classic though.

  4. Blizzard made this change for money… multiboxers pay for multiple accounts but if their presence makes more normal players leave the game than multiboxers pay for it is a net loss for blizzard. I guess numbers finally reached the point it was good time to ban it. Not to mention they banned big aspect of multiboxing but not multiboxing out right.

  5. I did multi-boxing for a short-time and enjoyed doing it, but found when doing doing new content it did impact on engagement in doing the content, so I basically stopped doing it.

  6. Good riddance
    We know it’s not going to stop farmers exploiting shit, it’ll just make it more time costly to farm – but only the severely lazy and retarded buy anything. Be nice to be able to move around without worrying about 10 hunters or mages fucking with you cause some slime oh wants to run multi accounts.
    Good riddance

  7. I saw a multiboxer druid in shadowlands the other day. I wanted to report him at first, but turned out he just spent a few second longer to loot once per druid, so fully legal. So from a farming perspective, i dont see this ban doing anything. Its mostly from a PvP/PvE perspective where it will have a bigger influence.

  8. Ban bots 100%! The only thing I'm worried about is the use of Razer software for my disability. My hands cant spam keys without causing serious pain, so I use synapse to set up a macro to aid me. Example macro 1: press button 1 on mouse, hold button and it will continuously press 1 until button is released. If that is banned, then its a sad day for anyone that loves the game but cant without doing physical harm.

  9. I still see people running well over 10 toons and last week 18 toons all moving and doing the same skills at the same time. I know there is a legal way to do it but there is no way you can control 18 toons at the same time doing it the legal way

  10. I've never mutliboxed or had a desire to, but I will say coming back to this video a few months later, Druids are back to unison spam farming in retail, and botting hasn't been stopped at all.

    It's pretty sad that this hits the legit players who did a handful of accounts the hardest when Blizzard themselves let things get out of control for years to hit this point. Due to their changes, farming nodes in the open-world became lucrative and attractive to this type of play. Making time and set up of new accounts payable through in-game gold after allowing easy systems to remain in place to bloat the gold-making resources and directly affect the economies of servers worldwide. And having no stance or limit on the number of accounts people could legit multi-box at once, allowing obscene scenarios, while out of the norm, get talked about and blamed on all people just running a couple of accounts.

    It's pretty sad that people whine about multiboxers in PvP when we are in a time one can just toggle it off and later on if the area is a PvP hotspot. They either bemoan losing rewards [you aren't cut out for WPvP if that's all you want] or bemoan being unable to do 1v5 meaning they are incapable of finding others in the area who are probably suffering too and grouping up to take down the threat. Ya know, like WPvP, the very thing they claim to be in War Mode for. The only legit PvP complaint I've seen is in BG's but there MB's can be a great help or a hindrance depending on the player running them and if the opposing team can rub two brain cells together. And that's not even getting into what it was like playing on a PvP server back in the day – these people never would have made it. It was unfair, unbalanced, often many against one, and could not be toggled.

    So, in the end, we have Blizzard unwilling to take a stance and set down rules years ago as to what is and is not acceptable when multiboxing, actually making the problem worse without addressing it by changing how basic things work in-game, not really stopping botters, taking the easiest way out possible and people still not getting the difference between botters and MB's. Amazing.


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