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Disability check. Always the case
I report these guys
Sod summon bots are magical and I’ll gladly give them 5g
this was me in 2019-2021 classic
No way he makes 25g an hour, he could aoe farm zf with a mage and make more than that, it must be much more for it to be worth
So. Hes paying $80 a month to do this?
I met a friend who invites me to a group of 35 warlocks, it's the most insane thing I've ever seen and I tip him well every time. Anywhere in the world, 20 seconds and I'll be summoned there.
-$100 month for 1g a day
I used to have 4 accounts running in sod phase 2 and 3. 3 of then was summoners and then my main account. Even did summons on while running raids on my main.
Was on Crusader Strike EU :p
He just needs 3 accounts
Multi boxing ❤
As an EVE player, these are rookie numbers.
I know someone with +25 account and about 1~2k income per day on each warlock account ( half of them are assist)
blizzard: botting and multibotting is against tos and is punished by bans
also blizzard:
their clearly gold sellers bro, be careful
Multi boxing is very different from just having a few accounts lol
What a waste of money just to flex that you have a lot of character to summon with. Such a waste of time too
Playing wow without rmt,botting and multiboxing is a far better experience than the wow we have now for 20 years.
Its a bot. You needed to report and have him banned. Wtf
Multiboxing is the most fun you can have in WoW.
It's been a thing a long time. Summons are good gold
Dont everybody have like 2-4 accounts???
Not a bad way to make gold if they're taking payment
Nothing to see here just Xaryu supporting botters.
Spend a mortgage payment on wow accounts per month
Any alliance doing this on fresh hi doomhowl?
Summoning bots kind of ruin the overworld but they're convenient. They just need to keep their advertisements out of the LFG chat.
There was someone like this on every classic vanilla server. The guy has secret summoning location to all the key world buff spots and hard to get flight paths. I’m glad these guys existed, made it so much easier for everyone. Well deserved 25gph
That's the best way to bot:
Give Services and get gold with no risk
Love how these folks are discovering this all over again. This was done in the original, and always had someone on the server
I got 3 accounts, I do this sometimes too lol
Fun how people are soooo against multiboxers until they provide a service that benefits said person – then theyre gods gift to WoW
This is the player who makes gold to make money by selling to gold sellers