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Remember to use CODE: DRAGONFLIGHT! This book includes the best ways that i personally use to make multiple goldcaps, and all future updates done to the book will get sent to your email automatically whenever i update the guide!
Nice book kara raid tonight
nice mount studen
Sell gold guide. Get cash. Buy tokens for gold on the blizzard shop. Make millions.
That's a nice video
That hinterlands rare is weird, I've gotten chans twice on my first kill on two different characters, but absolutely nothing after the first kill. It's been like 2 weeks
Amazing! Part two would be awesome these are probably 0.5% of such farms so the more you can share the better for everyone ! Come quick and go, then another tune !
What I used to do was get a bunch of Vulpera and make camp by Garnia at the Timeless Isle and log in on them every once in a while and do a pet farm run across the Timeless Isle. Some of those pets are selling for quite a lot now and you can repeatably kill them.
You can either use the birds to get to Garnia using the Fruit Basket toy or using the Gleaming Crane Statue and then Goblin Glider to Garnia
Edit: The Vulpera were spread across multiple low pop servers
That robe is 10k on my realm finally sold a brood mother carapace though for 79k
Have a comment ! :3
Studen, Master gold maker please continue this series! As time is ultimately one of the biggest constraints when it comes to making gold, it is informative to know what in-game activities are worth your time as a gold maker
I’d love to see a part 2
Ty for another great vid man …… whoop whoop 🙂
Tus vídeos me han servido mucho para generar bastante dinero, muchas gracias.
Un saludo desde 🇪🇸
How much gold do u have overall? And what server would u recommend? A role play like urs or a normal? And what is the difference
cant believe you didnt loot dreadscorn this never happens in your videos i cant beliiiieeve this
Always 200iq Studen 👍
The OG goldmaker
Studen do you have any black market AH advice? Like is everything there just gold cap? Or does it actually help to buy stuff on low pop realms ? i actually have no idea how it works. Maybe a good video for all these future gold makers, on how to use it properly 😀
Bought the book, would recommend especially to absolute 0 knowledge people like me x)
bought the book as well, I love that I can ask you any questions on twitch, love you man! <3
I know he makes it seem good and wants everyone to make gold. But, hate to break it to you.. since wow token. Absolutely no one does this shit. Not the super millionaires. 95 percent of people just use the wow token as their source of gold. This guy 1000 percent has done and continues to do it. Not saying he doesn't farm gold but there is absolutely NO way you can farm millions of gold. Even at 6,000 gold for a herb. You would literally be spending every minute of your wow time farming. This is a big lie. He and everyone who youtubes/streams gets it from people who pay real money for gold or they just do it themselves.
He must play on a tiny, underpopulated server for these prices. The more populated NA servers have prices that are maybe 25-30% of what he shows.
I stopped playing a year ago so I'm curious as to why legion matts are still valuable?
Great video, and part 2 would be great too
Which server r u playing on ?
Hi, what are the best items that could drop from the chest from the blue quest item? Because I already have 3 chan robes hehe (this thanks to this same video).