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Thanks to everyone picking up a copy! much appreciated!
Mmm yes more skinning. Nothing gets me more hyped like a new skinning farm….
I’ll give this a try tonight
Giving this a try asap
Did he just say "Whats up boys" instead of "Warrup boys"!? Clearly a sign of burnout from overworking :p
nice mount studen
i started watching you videos the day shadowlands got delayed, i was sitting at 74k.. current 2 million 83k.. you are awesome
Doing this farm as you upload the vid! 😀
I spent around 2 million gold buying up all the enchants that people made to level enchanting and listed on the ah for cheap, well below cost. Then the last 2 days I have been selling them with M+ and raid opening, I have got my 2 million back and made 2 million in profit and still hold enchants to sell worth around 2.5 million more (at current prices).
3.5m (PROFIT) in the first 3 days doing only darkmoon decks
Dead now tho 🙁
Can i farm this solo?
Unfortunately, on my server, the raiders are shit and everyone is a farmer and no RPers and no buyers. The only people who were buying shit were the super rich multiboxers, and now they have left the game so the entire economy has tanked.
But idiots are still blaming the multiboxers and bots.
I went from 0 to 2 mil over 3 days through BoE farming, BoE flipping, crafting missives, and leggo flipping
up to 1.4 mil just having to limit myself to 2-3hrs per day right now (I get obsessed with stuff easily so need to set limits). Not even leveled my main DH Skinner yet- just farming. I do 2hrs herb/ore farming on my self made routes (love it) then 1hr skinning! Its been brilliant! I highly highly recommend if you are considering this type of mat farming to move your main farmer off your full pop realm(or use your free boost) to a mid pop (I play on low pop). The demand is still there believe me! You get so much better value for your time invested on the smaller servers- yesterday on raid release I flipped callous hide on my realm from 129 per to 189 per and the heavy from 1699 to 1999, made about 350k on that flip
Video sounds great with the new mic!👍🏼
3.3 mil from Boe's
I bought out over 4000 phantasmal haunch last week for 2g/each. now they are up at 25g/each 🙂
So I have around 1.5k desolate leather, what should I do to get the most profit out of it?
made 800+K first 3-4 days of the expansion from mald boe broken farm and skinning cz heavy callous was at almost 3K now it sit's at 1.100K while boe farms are nerfed and even tho i have max cooking all recipies sell for 10g profit 🙁 any tips ?
Hi, what video explains the farming you do? I am new to the channel and I would love to know
I think I found God's youtube channel
yea lost my healer last night due to the power outage in Stavanger xd
When goldmaking is your endgame, i'd rather watch paint dry. Although i do love the content, Gj Stud.
studen on whitch server do you play right now?
I hadn't even thought to level up my cooking! That's what I'm going to work on now since the meats are selling for less on my server now. In the first couple days of Shadowlands I made about 200,000 gold from meat and leather just while levelling my main.
I wanted to ask if you could maybe show us 1 goldfarm from the book like how its writen so we could see what its all about b4 buying I really dont know what I should expect
I made about 4 million from buying herbs for 60-100g per and turning them into decks, was able to keep the deck prices high when the herb market crashed and that's when money started really flowing in.
I would love to see people doing gold cap challenge in kazzak, without being first to hit some market. You know, real gold making, not opportunistic things so much.
29 Milion Herb Multiboxing (7 chars)
Made over 100k last night selling lw drums. Mats were around 110g and ea drum was selling for 185 so 75 gold profit per drum. The hyper spawn herb area you did your video on is still a great place to you just need to do a little path now that brings you back before they spawn again. Also, if you have skinning there of course plenty of beasts to kill and skin.
Hello Studen , love the videos. Long time listener first time commetor (?) ive made 1.5mill since SL launch but that was mostly selling DMF decks , right now its missives and hopefuly get some more from cooking.
I don't get to play a ton and I'm focused on leveling up as many alts as I can right now (before the mood to level leaves me) but even I have made 400k ish since release. With some of the content in these videos.