My First Impressions of WoW's New Battle Royale

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World of Warcraft Plunderstorm, The New Blizzard Battle Royale..


44 thoughts on “My First Impressions of WoW's New Battle Royale”

  1. I really like it, its simple, and one of my favorite BR was Spellbreak ( game closed servers). This gamemode fills a spot that i really enjoyed. I dont know how long it will last, but atm im really having fun with friends.

  2. This isn’t wow though this is world of Warcraft themed fortnight. This should be its own game. Personally when they announced this I thought you would be able to use one of your wow characters and it would be just a new pve/pvp zone with its own rewards and that Mabye they’d switch up the zone every month or so. I was so dissatisfied when I logged on to check this out.

  3. Wow players on another level of fuck my life…

    Have a mate that plays that shit since the beginning. I remember him saying he has over 2000 tries of Sha mount. Every reset he logs in and out of like 20 toons to do that fight. Every reset like 2 hours of loving and waiting for last 10 years.

  4. Absolutely dogshit gamemode that has nothing to do with actual battle royale, levels are the only thing that matters, you farm to lvl 10 and you 100% will win the game if no one else is lvl 10. I've yet to lose a fight against someone lower level than me, fucking braindead devs

  5. i dont know, F2P always attract kids , botter and cheaters.

    But i think they should make it a seperate client like classic is.
    And Rewards for the Battleroyal as well, not only for Retail

  6. Spellbreak is back. For those who don't know Spellbreak was a BR very cool from a studio called Proletariat I think, but sadly they didn't have the success they wanted, and in the end they were brought by Blizzard and this is the result I think they are the same developers. The inspiration of this mode I am pretty sure it is from Spellbreak

  7. That advice is the kind of thing that has killed lots of movies and games before. Trying to appeal to others outside the core fanbase. It can be done, but its about balancing a fine line. You try to please everyone, and you risk pleasing no one. Personally, Ive gotten more into something that I wasnt initially interested in because the fans of said thing got me into it. Someone I knew would hype it up and suggest it to me, or I would look and see the fans raving about it and it got me interested.

  8. It's pretty fun, glad to see them trying new things. F2P weekend, or preferably free mode seems like an obvious win, there are cheaters in every game, that's no reason not to do it.


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