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Since my recent video “THE WORST BLIZZCON EVER?” there’s been a bit of confusion as to whether or not I am actually a FAN of Shadowlands as an expansion. In the video, I said that I wasn’t all too impressed by it, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things in this new World of Warcraft release that I’m not excited for. In that previous video, I only spent a moment on Shadowlands, as I wanted to discuss EVERYTHING that was announced at Blizzcon, so in this video I am giving you all my FULL THOUGHTS on this new WoW expansion!
Made by, Nixxiom
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#WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands #WoWShadowlands
I can't wait to use my dk zandalari troll and blood elf demon hunter also blizzard when are you gonna let Allied races become demon hunter will the one that can
Lvl 100 character
Fights the lich king: Instant victory
Fights a tiny lizard in zuldazar: instant death.
Thats why I love the new level system.
Placeholder for video 2 months after expansion saying "it didn't keep it's promises". Can always spot a shill when they claim the 'new' idea was their "advocate" idea earlier.
can't wait to play with my two-hand Frost spec for my Death Knight.
How cookie cutter will people be with certain covenants etc? Will some guilds require you do have X-talent here and there to participate in raids? I understand that you want to maximize your damage, so how much choice IS there?
I left world of warcraft after pandaria, this shadowlands looks like crap. More horde propaganda, no thanks I'll wait other 3 years.
It really seems like it’s just turning into Classic WoW, but with a LOT more stuff, and that seems pretty great. The only thing I’m a little confused about is what is going to happen to my toons. I have a level 70 DK and a 116 Warrior. Will they both go to level 60? Or will my level 70 go to 30? I’m confused. Lol
New players shuold be a bit more into gaming. If you make it more and more noib friendly you will loose hardcore old gamers. And i know that new people are needed to continue.
We enjoy your video's NIXXIOM!!!
I really REALLY wanna get exited for shadow lands. But i got so damn exited for BFA only to be super let down and that ruined it for me. So I'm just gonna let this expansion come out and test it before I have full blown opinions on it
How much did Blizzard pay you? You love everything, you don't dislike anything. Most bias review ever. Won't ever watch your shit video's again. Filthy liar
I mean running back the level cap just makes it harder to level? It's all relative.
Not a new player but a returning player- even with the exp boost going on right now leveling can feel a little sluggish once you hit the 70’s and with a brand new account with no ults (so I’d have to lvl them too) I can definitely see why a level squish would be a good idea
There wasnt a whole lot of class identity in classic, all the specs for each class played almost the same. They took away some of those spells to help seperate the specs to have class identify. Bring them back might merge the specs together again. If done wrong. And could hurt actual class identity
us, they…
why remove the lich king
thats just dumb
I'm a returning player and hearing about all these new features (especially in-depth customization, choosing which xpac to level, and a procedurally generated dungeon) made me cream my pants
I can now be a black guy hell yeah
I have asked for a refund. I played beta for a day and it made my mind up. This is total crap. They are not getting new players. They cant keep their old players. After ten years I am done.
So he's vouching it will be good lol?
I still don't agree with the legendary system, it should be as it once was a rarity. The fact that everyone is walking around with them kills the illusion of having this powerful relic, it may aswell just be another green.
so legendries are the new epics then?
I want to be able to my my orc fat. The whole posture thing for orcs was nice, i liked that, i just want to make my toons fat. can you do that blizz
I dont mind BFA and what they did. Nixxiom i get we need new players and more population, What im getting tired of, are the noobs who dont want to learn or dont care to. Going with the whole "fake it till you make it" Pugging these people for your M+ key is dreadful…. They dont know the fights they dont know the mechanics, they dont even know how to kick most of the time. And it hurts the Veterns. Look you got a +15 and your pumped to do it, and some noob sneeks in and kills your key -_-
0:23 what's this footage of?
After exiles reach you lv 10 to 50 in BFA only people who started in the normal lving zones get to use an expansion