My Grievances With Raiding In World of Warcraft

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While raiding can have its frustrations, trust that I still love it. Those raid leading guides and healing guides will be on their way! I just needed to get this off my chest. Enjoy the rant! And of course let me know in the comments what kind of videos you want for raid, and or drop your frustrations too!

(Music) The Jazzhop Cafe @TheJazzHopCafe

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7 thoughts on “My Grievances With Raiding In World of Warcraft”

  1. Love this breakdown. I've never been big on the individual parts of raiding (parsing, BiS drops), it's always been about getting the clears and having fun for me. To that end, raiding with a great group will always beat out taking things super serious to me. You can always have room for both. Also, shoutout to that single Ele Shaman 😂

  2. One of things that always amazes me is that a lot of people don’t look at logs beyond their parse after a boss is downed. For figuring out why pull failed than just looking at in-game meters. Like during one heroic Fyrakk pull where someone yeeted a bunch of the screaming souls at some newly spawned healing ones.

    Also there is just a lot of interesting but somewhat useless info about how wow stores casts of particular spells. Like how me, as a VDH, and my fury warrior friend compete for most cast per pull because of how WoW logs the rampage slashes and individual soul fragments as their own individual casts.

  3. On the subject of healer parse padding, or aka the DPS parse conundrum on follow mechanics, it'd be a good incentive to have mechanics trade on the raw damage they do, for some negative DPS effect insteads. Nothing drastic, like -5% to haste or crit per hit mechanic, just enough to incentives dodging and interrupting.


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