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Real Estate Youtube – MikeOwensRealEstate
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Highest Rated and Best Pally in Game
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best pally banned, unlucky
Who cares about titles, we all know you’re the best. Redemption time Mies!
dude starting from scratch and dominating again will be even more legendary
"So good" at WoW. If only you were good at being a decent human being.
The Miestro shall carry on… Zero to hero on a new account. The Prince of Light.
just buy another account and try to get r1 before s1 ends so you can be 1 time r1 pally
wait your last games were in 1800 mmr? lol
Toxic af, good riddance 😂
The Most cringe guy on the Internet. Suprised u didnt got banned earlier. Use the time and get mental help
An end to an old guard. A new tale for the light of justice
Stay true king.
“Big ban judge on this guy”-blizzard probably
Keep YouTube channel going you can review and get people to send clips for advise etc – make a new account too
lol i just got perma banned for abusive chat the same way even as you even though i dindt write anything bad, last time i was banend for 15 days couple months ago
Make a new account mies. Same bnet, new account, you keep all your achieves and shit. You lose R1s, but whatever.
Just kill them in the arena, get r1's, chill on the name calling and tilt. Just outplay these rating sitting nerds who are hard stuck on alts at 2.3, that's enough.
buy a new wow account under your bnet account and keep your mounts and titles, just gotta re-level
Bro you gotta restart fuck em
14:14 Not anymore.
Blizzard got back to u?
You better make a new account if you can, we need the miestro
I would still try to get myself unbanned by being nice to the customer support explaining them everything and apologize if you still have that option. If it doesn't work I would just call them as an US citizien. I would be so mad to lose all the progress and my daily hobby also that I would maybe even consider trying to apologize in person if nothing works tbh. People say just move on or make a new account but its never going to be the same and you are going to be bored out of your mind if you stop WoW as other games are kinda boring after a while and you will still have the urge to do something before/after work. I've been in this shoes before. Deserved or not, its sad after all.
Just make a bnet WoW2 sister account, repurchase the xpac, token sell for some gold have a leveling group speed level you to max and gear up super quick, get back to rage farming 😂 you keep all mounts, r1 achieves, etc the only thing you font have access to is the R1 glad title you use next to your name since its character specific.
for every report you received you shall make someone smile
No matter what happens.. at the end we'll always prevail! thats what you said Miestro. Would love to see you on a new account poving once against all odds whose the real BIG DAM JUDGEEEE!!!
lol dudes going crazy at 576 rating.
Reminds of pikaboo 1v2’ing people with combined xp of 1400 in 2s.
/worlds slowest clap