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Just wait until they nerf windwalker monk.
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#WoW #Shadowlands #Prepatch
1:48 Level 120! You're going to be GOD like in battlegrounds when SL comes out.
Para, staaahp. Don't let Blizz realize that they never actually had WW be affected by stats like everyone else. We'll all be crying by the end of SL when healers are OP again.
Your main untill Shawdowlands drops…. but then change it once Shawdowlands drops because of all the changes that are about to happen… again… lol
So is a class amazing only if that class is high damage?
Have you tested WW on the beta? It’s buggy as fuck
Pray for the warrior
Para going so hard, he'll lvl everything to 120. Legend.
To 120? I thought it was 60 max level right?
Swift spectral tiger is like $10k lol… I bought mine 10 years ago for $3-400
god tier pvp
you rule
"Just wait until they nerf windwalker monk. you bet your ass its gonna happen. if they fix images i would be very happy though.
Note to self dont which Para videos with your 5 year old.
nice I'm not the only one rerolling to monk in slands
It is a bait. He will play enhance shaman because its OP 😀
1 like = 1 120 🙂
They will only buff monk as well as paladin cause their dps in pve sucks that's how it works
WW monk sucks in PvE so they will not nerf him in PvP.
WW = feral or rogue w/o bleeds
Is nice to see my Horde Main doing well… maybe I will play SL
Did he use a blood dk yet?
Monk and Shaman. My two favorite classes!
You wont regret maining WW monk 😀 (with pvp in mind)
Solid choice as Windwalker, Rogue and Ret are only decent melee at the moment going into SL.
my main will either be monk or bm hunter i like both i just find the hunter is a bit more chill in pve
Thinking rogue for me but Monk and demon hunter are my top 3. Monk i feel like can be sol when karma is down. But maybe that's cause my monk is lacking gear.
120 or 60
Frost mage for the main for sure
Lets see some feral!
I played ww in a lowbie bg the other day and it was disgusting. I figured it was just normal lowbie bg things.
Looks like it is literally the exact same at 50
Hey Para, long time man. Hope you're keeping well dude. 🙂
You should have made us watch the 30 second rez lol
I'm still going to be maining Enhancement shaman. Pray for me.
Will main paladin i like all 3 specs Still hope holy will get some love
Still miss fist of fury stun ;c
What addon do you use for the numbers?
Issue with WW is they scale poorly with gear and tacked on borrowed power trinkets and proct based abilities suck for WW. It is fun though I just wish they could have tweaked it more.
"fck you marksman" – yeah, eating chips with spining self around on chair and do tons of damage as a proffesional monk player
damn dude your mood is dumpster lately