glad you're liking the holiday events, so if you like this Hallow's End starts oct 25th, where the headless horsemen dungeon is active, and can get the headless horsemen's mount (low drop percentage), his sword, and other gear etc. i was lucky 3 years ago and had the mount drop for me, and it actually dropped for me twice in one week but obviously can only have one.
glad ur still having fun. If you want to see some top tier gameplay you should check out Race to World First (RWF) bunch of raid teams racing to kill last boss in new raid on hardest difficulty. Theres a lot of stuff to do thats not raiding, but its cool to see the top tier stuff happen
When going in between SW and Ironforge for brewfest, you can use the tram in-between the two cities. Def faster than just taking a flightmaster. Do the direbrew dungeon too for a chance at the holiday mounts.
Also when buying stuff from a vendor, just right click. No need to drag the item to your bag to buy.
I love your Brewfest montage intro. Also if you’re looking for more mounts you can run the dungeon to kill Coren Direbrew for a chance of a brewfest ram and kodo. You can queue for it in the dungeon finder.
So glad you found that dwarf. Once again if you are a hunter you can train the pink elephants but only during brewfest so I know you aren't ready for an alt yet but you know where to get the pink elephant when you are lol. And you can buy the battle pet from the little gnome Belbi, she is next to 3 barrels in the back. After 18 years I tend to go to older areas and try for mounts or transmogs or acheivements where you are higher level and can basically fart on stuff and kill it. You are right about the flightpaths they usually fly you by important stuff. The title you get for the fishing acheivement is 'Salty' so keep that in mind when you make the name for your fisherman even tho any of your toons can use it. I just spent the last few weeks before TWW getting the title Junkyard.
Too funny when you got all excited 'I need to get busy Cuz I need that mount' lmao. And you do a good gnome voice.
I'm torn between telling you about stuff and wanting to just let you figure it out.
I think its more fun watchin your surprise. Awesome vid
Timewalkers Dungeons in the lfg until Monday !! Also one of the old dungeons, Blackrock Depths, has a pub deep inside called the Direbrew. You go through BRD until you get to the Direbrew, get drunk at the bar or put on your synthgoggles, and by the door on a chair is a little tiny pink Elek. Once you are drunk enough to see it, it becomes tameable as a hunter pet. Very casual original vanilla raider. I hang out everywhere. It all has memories and something to offer. Old raids, dungeons, vendors, collectables or just places to chill. Love the holidays- your video made me smile all the way through.
Hey there ! For the weapon you saw at the start of your video, you can get it by killing the last boss of the dungeon "The mechanar" that's in Outland in the area called Netherstorm. You can get to Outland via the portal to Shattrath that's located in the Portal room of Stormwind (big tower in the mage district). Once you are in Shattrath just fly to Netherstorm, get in the dungeon and hope you get the weapon !
Fun fact : you can check the loot table of every dungeon / raid there is by looking at your adventure guide. Just select "raid or dungeon" then choose what expansion and happy scrolling. The dungeon guide also gives you the an overall view about each boss fight by explaining the abilities and telling you what to do depending on your role. Sorry if i took too long haha enjoy !
For more about the Exodar: it used to be a spaceship (yeah there is science fiction in WoW) that the Draeneis used to get to Azeroth a long time ago during the first extension of the game called "The Burning Crusade". It's their capital city but no-one ever goes there because it's very far away from any interesting point, you need to take a boat to join the continent of Kalimdor and there's just nothing to see there outside of some niche events :')
Brewfest was one of my first holidays back in Burning Crusade(actually it was the first Brewfest) the only other event before that for me was the spirit of competition, which only happen once on retail. This->Hallow's End->Pilgrim's bounty->Anniversary->Winterveil->Lunar Festival. The holidays are not going to stop for a while now. Every year at Brewfest they gave out a new collectors edition stein available in a different color each year, but later just did away with all that and just did the purple one now.
LoL, poor Zouty. Splattered with pheromones in Hallowfall, then burped on in Dun Morogh. If you want to check off all the boxes, there is also a quest in Howling Fjord where a bat poops on you, and one in Shattrath where you bring a rotten egg to a guy named Tobias and he eats it and barfs all over you, and then all the NPCs standing near you start barfing everywhere as well. I cried laughing during that one, LOL. 😂😂😂
I spend my time 50-50% In The War Within doing new stuff, 50% of the time in old expansions usually getting old mounts and achievements. The Exodar is a crashed spaceship, Similar to the giant glowing crystal thing Beledar in Hallowfall.
Something good to do once you hit max level is to at least explore the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, collecting flight paths and filling in the map. There are achievements for exploring each expansion zone fully and it will help you familiarize yourself with the world.
So love the videos I love heaing the Wonder in your voice at all there is to see takes me back to my noobie days. Just an fyi the area you fly over isn't Badlands it's searing gorge but you are right about it being one of the zones during the pre-patch events.
Don't know if someone has told you this before but under the "Adventure Guide" button (shift-J i believe) there is a "Traveler's log" tab always check that at the start and before the end of a month. If you fill the bar in there, it will give you a shiny that you need to pick up in the treasure chest at the trading post before the end of the month, not sure if it stays in there when the bar reset at the start of the month !
When you are inside Exodar look on the map. There is a small glowing triangle which is a portal to Stormwind. When you are outside the city and on the island itself look for a pier on the map and that has a portal to Teldrassil.
Click on a player, right click on their portrait and click inspect to see the names/appearances of the items someone is wearing (The sword you were looking at) I saw someone saying go from SW-IF use the tram which is kind of fast but will still take 5+ min most of the time if you miss the tram… but the fastest and easiest way to IF is actually the Portal to Boralus from SW then in same room is a portal to IF from Boralus. The ports take 30~ seconds.
Should also consider looking at the achievements for the holiday, If you dont do them now youll have to wait until next year. There is an achievement that is called [What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been] that awards a pretty neat mount, if you miss the needed Brewfest Achievements you wont be able to finish this nor get the mount until this time next year as it takes an achievement from EVERY main Holiday event to complete.
Veteran players are almost never in old areas unless we are trying to finish up an achievement or leveling a new toon. Go back to The Exodar after the event and you'll see its a ghost town. Fall Damage: If you ever almost kill yourself by dismounting in the air just remember one thing. If you heroic leap as you're falling you wont take any fall damage.
Brewfest! Woot!! So much fun. (Also love the intro)
glad you're liking the holiday events, so if you like this Hallow's End starts oct 25th, where the headless horsemen dungeon is active, and can get the headless horsemen's mount (low drop percentage), his sword, and other gear etc. i was lucky 3 years ago and had the mount drop for me, and it actually dropped for me twice in one week but obviously can only have one.
glad ur still having fun. If you want to see some top tier gameplay you should check out Race to World First (RWF) bunch of raid teams racing to kill last boss in new raid on hardest difficulty. Theres a lot of stuff to do thats not raiding, but its cool to see the top tier stuff happen
Intro is worth a sub. 😀 Lovely, cozy, smells like childhood.
Nice intro! fun times vid!
When going in between SW and Ironforge for brewfest, you can use the tram in-between the two cities. Def faster than just taking a flightmaster. Do the direbrew dungeon too for a chance at the holiday mounts.
Also when buying stuff from a vendor, just right click. No need to drag the item to your bag to buy.
I love your Brewfest montage intro. Also if you’re looking for more mounts you can run the dungeon to kill Coren Direbrew for a chance of a brewfest ram and kodo. You can queue for it in the dungeon finder.
So glad you found that dwarf. Once again if you are a hunter you can train the pink elephants but only during brewfest so I know you aren't ready for an alt yet but you know where to get the pink elephant when you are lol. And you can buy the battle pet from the little gnome Belbi, she is next to 3 barrels in the back. After 18 years I tend to go to older areas and try for mounts or transmogs or acheivements where you are higher level and can basically fart on stuff and kill it. You are right about the flightpaths they usually fly you by important stuff. The title you get for the fishing acheivement is 'Salty' so keep that in mind when you make the name for your fisherman even tho any of your toons can use it. I just spent the last few weeks before TWW getting the title Junkyard.
Too funny when you got all excited 'I need to get busy Cuz I need that mount' lmao.
And you do a good gnome voice.
I'm torn between telling you about stuff and wanting to just let you figure it out.
I think its more fun watchin your surprise. Awesome vid
TBC Time Walking iss up too in dungeon finder
Open the dungeon finder and you can run the brew fest boss for some 571 trinkets
Timewalkers Dungeons in the lfg until Monday !!
Also one of the old dungeons, Blackrock Depths, has a pub deep inside called the Direbrew. You go through BRD until you get to the Direbrew, get drunk at the bar or put on your synthgoggles, and by the door on a chair is a little tiny pink Elek. Once you are drunk enough to see it, it becomes tameable as a hunter pet.
Very casual original vanilla raider. I hang out everywhere. It all has memories and something to offer. Old raids, dungeons, vendors, collectables or just places to chill. Love the holidays- your video made me smile all the way through.
When you're drunk, if you hold down both mouse buttons to move instead of keyboard, it's easier to keep a straight line.
You killed the wabbit! 😂 And I can’t say worlpertinger either. I loved the new intro, too!
only 72hrs in a row? Rookie numbers lol
Hey there ! For the weapon you saw at the start of your video, you can get it by killing the last boss of the dungeon "The mechanar" that's in Outland in the area called Netherstorm.
You can get to Outland via the portal to Shattrath that's located in the Portal room of Stormwind (big tower in the mage district). Once you are in Shattrath just fly to Netherstorm, get in the dungeon and hope you get the weapon !
Fun fact : you can check the loot table of every dungeon / raid there is by looking at your adventure guide. Just select "raid or dungeon" then choose what expansion and happy scrolling. The dungeon guide also gives you the an overall view about each boss fight by explaining the abilities and telling you what to do depending on your role. Sorry if i took too long haha enjoy !
You should go to Hillsbrad some time, mini game like plant vs zombies to try out.
For more about the Exodar: it used to be a spaceship (yeah there is science fiction in WoW) that the Draeneis used to get to Azeroth a long time ago during the first extension of the game called "The Burning Crusade". It's their capital city but no-one ever goes there because it's very far away from any interesting point, you need to take a boat to join the continent of Kalimdor and there's just nothing to see there outside of some niche events :')
Brewfest was one of my first holidays back in Burning Crusade(actually it was the first Brewfest) the only other event before that for me was the spirit of competition, which only happen once on retail. This->Hallow's End->Pilgrim's bounty->Anniversary->Winterveil->Lunar Festival. The holidays are not going to stop for a while now. Every year at Brewfest they gave out a new collectors edition stein available in a different color each year, but later just did away with all that and just did the purple one now.
LoL, poor Zouty. Splattered with pheromones in Hallowfall, then burped on in Dun Morogh. If you want to check off all the boxes, there is also a quest in Howling Fjord where a bat poops on you, and one in Shattrath where you bring a rotten egg to a guy named Tobias and he eats it and barfs all over you, and then all the NPCs standing near you start barfing everywhere as well. I cried laughing during that one, LOL. 😂😂😂
Editor Zouty went NUTS on that intro!!! Holy cow!
I spend my time 50-50% In The War Within doing new stuff, 50% of the time in old expansions usually getting old mounts and achievements. The Exodar is a crashed spaceship, Similar to the giant glowing crystal thing Beledar in Hallowfall.
Something good to do once you hit max level is to at least explore the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, collecting flight paths and filling in the map. There are achievements for exploring each expansion zone fully and it will help you familiarize yourself with the world.
So love the videos I love heaing the Wonder in your voice at all there is to see takes me back to my noobie days. Just an fyi the area you fly over isn't Badlands it's searing gorge but you are right about it being one of the zones during the pre-patch events.
Great intro man! Video too!
Don't know if someone has told you this before but under the "Adventure Guide" button (shift-J i believe) there is a "Traveler's log" tab always check that at the start and before the end of a month.
If you fill the bar in there, it will give you a shiny that you need to pick up in the treasure chest at the trading post before the end of the month, not sure if it stays in there when the bar reset at the start of the month !
don't forget to que up in dungeon finder for the boss for the holiday!!!!!
Brewfest was my first holiday event as well! My favorite is Hallow's End, which will be take place late October.
When you are inside Exodar look on the map. There is a small glowing triangle which is a portal to Stormwind. When you are outside the city and on the island itself look for a pier on the map and that has a portal to Teldrassil.
Check the achievements for a nice list of things to do in a event
Click on a player, right click on their portrait and click inspect to see the names/appearances of the items someone is wearing (The sword you were looking at)
I saw someone saying go from SW-IF use the tram which is kind of fast but will still take 5+ min most of the time if you miss the tram… but the fastest and easiest way to IF is actually the Portal to Boralus from SW then in same room is a portal to IF from Boralus. The ports take 30~ seconds.
Should also consider looking at the achievements for the holiday, If you dont do them now youll have to wait until next year.
There is an achievement that is called [What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been] that awards a pretty neat mount, if you miss the needed Brewfest Achievements you wont be able to finish this nor get the mount until this time next year as it takes an achievement from EVERY main Holiday event to complete.
Veteran players are almost never in old areas unless we are trying to finish up an achievement or leveling a new toon. Go back to The Exodar after the event and you'll see its a ghost town.
Fall Damage: If you ever almost kill yourself by dismounting in the air just remember one thing. If you heroic leap as you're falling you wont take any fall damage.