Mythic Carapace of N'Zoth – Restoration Druid PoV – World of Warcraft Shadowlands Pre-Patch

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Mythic The Carapace of N’Zoth from the Ny’Alotha Raid killed with “Denovo” Guild [H] Mal’Ganis-US on November 14th, 2020.

First of all, sorry about my UI. The extra-action button / sanity bar were out of place for some reason so I just moved stuff around randomly and made it work for the night.

This was just a fun-run for something to do in the Pre-Patch. Denovo got Cutting Edge on September 19th, 2020, and killed this boss for the first time on August 22nd, 2020. Most of us already had Cutting Edge by the time Denovo was formed. We took a hiatus after Denovo’s Cutting Edge so this was our first time back on this boss in quite a while.

I obviously made quite a few mistakes, including but not limited to: Dying on the ramp and having to use a soulstone. Overlapping with someone on the first circle-spread in phase 3. Not using Incarnation immediately at the end for more Healing. Etc.

I certainly don’t claim to be the worlds best healer, but all-in-all I think it went pretty well for a fun-run with some PuGs, and it was fun to kill this boss on Mythic one more time before Shadowlands.


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