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The Mythic Dungeon International returns September 3rd.
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Thank you @IKedit
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C'mon blizzard now start making some Jaina or guldan Warbringer type trailer too 😍
100% ikedit trailer
Ok thats some nice music 😍
IK EDIT ? yay
no one soaking the Milhouse crystals… so accurate XD
So sick
IKEdit doing fantastic job, and now under Blizzard flag <3
Why aren't any of the heroes in the trailer wearing any of that amazing tier gear from Shadowlands?
Do teams pick alliance during MDI? Is shadowmelt still op?
Really 1:36 no1 is soaking the beams?
KEK who cares ded game
Another yacht for bobby !
Noob hunter didn't disengage back to the platform.
I'm not really into MDI, would much rather prefer if they made more of the Great Push, BUT YOO, This video is so good!
That trailer was actually pretty sick
Poor Devos. Nice video, PERFECT @IKEDIT
Why did my priest never saved me like that?!
Ivan Kuzkin :3
0:25 so they're doing mythic 0?
Make VDH great again
Was expecting the hunter to disengage back instead
This is sick!!!
Hunters, they never change.. very nice priest, he just saved the key.
Better animations than those we have ingame 🤣
Nice save Zaelia
fix pvp
Motivation…. !
Nicee, trailer was well made & exciting
That's sooo cool, gave me chills and Deathwinds giggles. Great job team!
And where is the dragon with blasters from his eyes?
rofl the trailer should have no player in to be accurate
Good times are finally behind me
Priest was epic
way better than the Shadowlands cinematics
Wow disgrace to hunters for getting gripped instead of disengageing back.xD
Noob hunter didnt disengage back on the platform. Had to get life gripped.
This preview is incorrect, everyone isn't a Night Elf.