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world of warcraft’s hardest mode is too hard for world of warcraft developers to develop
by @BellularClips
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Mythic raiding and mythic dungeons should not award any gear. Imo gearing should be made much easier. HC players should be awarded by climbing pve ranks instead, special titles and cosmetics. I don't understand why blizzard never thought about this? Instead they ruin game with item/lvl squish and make raiding so hard and toxic that most people just give up. This game is completely fucked up… there is so much content in the game that is not used. So much wasted potential and instead of blizzard trying to make game more sense for everyone they are adding more and more content that is getting irrelevant very fast. I liked how they added soloq this expansion. Please add more features like this in the future.
I remember a time where only turbo dorks played mmos. Everquest, Ultima etc.. WoW is what made mmos for the masses. all the people playing madden and CoD came over. Its not "dying" its just going back to where it belongs. for dorks.
I tried so hard and got so far, in the end, it doesn't even matter!
A big problem is that the game doesn’t reward you for doing this content over and over again. Loot is a prime example of this. You can go an entire raid over and over getting zero gear or you lose that piece of gear you have been farming for over and over then you lose it to someone’s fresh level 70 alt or a boosted character. Same goes for mythic+.
I left wow 10 years ago because of this, I was also in a top wow guild, played 4 to 6 hrs a day , once my baby son was born I was like wtf am I doing time to grow up.
Now I'm back on HC, play an hour or two a day , no pessure, and love it.
I think instead of a set party amount for 10, 20, 40. It should just be the raid only required 10 min to raid and 40 max and the more people you have the easier it is and keep raid difficulty the same and don’t adjust for amount of people in raid. Just give everyone in a party class loot after each boss.
A cool idea on race to world first, would be to have a seperate private server, where guilds started at a level playing field, and any guild could participate, with a much harder skill ceiling that allows them to complete in a "fairer" tournament setting, while also not diluting the base gameplay for people who just want to enjoy the game. Give special cosmetics and rewards to the guilds who win, give special items to the winners etc. Name items in the raid tier after the top 3 winners, etc. It would still drive the engagement blizz is wanting without ruining the game for its audience, the casual player.
I wont play wow cause its complicated as hell with too many systems to keep track of, raids are too hard. I felt this way for years. I also dont wanna download a billion addons to play
49:15 wtf? It's a fantasy game. That's like saying why does stormstrike and wirlwind. They both melee atracks… right?
He is right about 40 man raids.
If you remove addons, you kill the game. Full top. That's just facts. The only reason wow has stayed on top by this much of a gap is because of addons. The sheer diversity and freedom of UI you have in WOW is UNPARALELLED compared to every other MMO in the market. What are we talking about? The addons stay, no matter what, deal with it, because the game will only be worse. Now if there's a way to simply remove the DPS checker addons, like Details and what not, DO THAT.
You know what I think a great first step is? Remove Warcraft Logs. Remove the ENTIRE ability to combat log in WOW, then ban the warcraft logs addon. Remove that first, see how that goes for two raid tiers, and go from there.
Absolutely shit take about addons. No bagnon because a guild broke up lololol. The addons don't make a huge difference. It's nice to be able to chose how a mechanic is announced. It's nice to be able to track when a quest is up. Removing these from the game would instantly lose wow 20% of the player base, and many MANY more not long after
Hang on a moment, hasnt Asmon been a 1 game andy for most of his streaming life?
This video: a lot of bitching, not understanding the issues, and asserting things without cause or evidence of any kind.
Totally out of touch on this one. 0/10
6:16 just gonna leave that here for anyone to clip it LOL
Sooner or later, everyone will realize how shitty the game is and they will stop playing. I been #1 too. I've been in a top 100 mythic raiding guild for many kills. The game is too grindy. The mechanics are too hard (For your average player). It's not fun and hasn't been for a long time.
The biggest off putting thing to raiding or m+ to me is that you can just buy a much is curve now..? like 60k? Totally worthless to do like this..blizz should just take action like make boosts against the rules..or maybe guild only and then only when you're exalted with guild haha..
I don't wanna hear opinions about mythic from a man who failed to clear normals
Wow dieing seens shadowlands blizzard killing the game its over
It's clear it went too far, I would say make Mythic possible from the start, if that mean World first race becomes way less bombastic, idc, they don't need to yolo 20-30people to make World first race, doubling down on difficulty is just gonna burn people out.
funny you say that now, when i quit wow for good 5~ years ago i vowed to never play again unless they remove ALL addons
I don't even want to step into mythic raiding. World of weakauras gaming is out of control.
Should be 40 man raids bring them back!!!!!
Another problem with mythic raiding is the loot. The new upgrade system made m+ loot (which is infinitely farmable) on par with mythic raid loot. You have people running 18-20 keys getting the same gear as someone doing Mythic Raid which is way harder. If you give raiders ANYTHING then you have this giant uproar from m+ players crying because it's not fair that the people who have to coordinate 20 (more like 25) people for months get better gear, and currently the gap between m+ player and mythic raider is basically nothing. Your throughput might be behind by like 1-2%, which is well within the player error margin.
Some of the goons in here saying that Mythic needs to be removed is wild, it needs to be properly tuned. Saying mythic is bad is just a self-report that you're only 4/9 normal. Heroic is too easy for a lot of the player base that actually raids and gives a shit, but the jump from heroic to late mythic Amirdrassil right now is basically the same difficulty as going from Vault of the Incarnates LFR to heroic Amirdrassil today.
There should be two difficulties, heroic is the new normal and tune mythic from where it is down a bit (ex: remove the overtuned scaling and incessant plethora of 1-shot raid wipe mechanics. They can exist, but no boss should have 4 or 5 different wipe checks).
The RTWF is a fun event for a lot of people involved in it and spectating.
A RTWF lasting 5 or 6 days instead of nine is still a good time.
Lol, how has the game gotten more complicated? We go from needing to farm AP in both Legion and BFA in order to max your DPS, to needing to unlock conduits/soulbinds to do max DPS in Shadowlands to literally just… do m+ and raid in Dragonflight, that's it. I know that you don't play Dragonflight much, but maybe you should before speaking this nonsense about the game being more "complicated".
bro u say it like its blizzard , u have sod with ppl with 100 addons that are trash at the game and fail simple shit on a 20 years old game , idk what to tell you , yes addons on retail are too much and shit should be easier , but its the players that are trash and toxic, ppl cant even understand 4th boss mechanic
A great man once said that wow is not an esport. That man was Asmon
the server can barely handle 5 people in one area and you want a 40man raid lmfao
Realm First Leveling used to be a spectacle for me when they used to have feats for it. I remember to this day logging on the beginning of every expansion and when each server didnt have random shards you would see so many people that you know. I will never forget those days Blizzard took that from me when they removed the feat of strengths i seen it destroy that day for me.
Its an off topic but about streaming and why ppl watching classic PVP content more often, maybe because more enjoyable to watch some ppl 1hit another, then start playing with that class and do the same thing. But just think about retail you can watch arcane mage 1shot enemys, but try to do it with the A4 page long rotation. Mythic raiding also sucks, most ppl playing games for fun not as a fuckin full time job, and mythic raiding requires kind of a job mentality.
Even when they deactivate the addons.. You will see people using it via overlays… FFXIV has it not allowed but most people using them. You see even high end players like Arthas seeing using them yes he has only addons that call out hey a cd is ready but he is using it.
People got a taste of FF14, WoW Classic, and good single player games like BG3 and Elden Ring… and realized that they're overworking themselves for something that was supposed to be fun, like it was back in vanilla when you weren't all sweaty and just played to be with your friends. There's games to be hardcore sweaty on for your challenging content fix, an mmo isn't supposed to be that. Its supposed to be where you can play with other people and make friends, build memories and enjoy the world together.
I feel like the next big thing would be a game like what wow is.. just without the world. It's an online game where you just play group content. Queue straight into it, gain levels while you're inside it and pick your talents. It's a PVE MOBA for dungeons and raids. Give these wow raiders somewhere to go where they don't have to level and gear 20 characters. Though I guess what I just explained is things like Vermintide. That idea but with wow encounter designs instead of endless hoards of enemies…
Probably an unpopular opinion, but they should have all raid difficulties drop the same IL gear, and have the incentives cooler cosmetics or something. You'd still have the race to world first on the hardest difficulty, and mythic raiders will look cooler than everyone else.
Although my personal preference would be just 1 chill raid difficulty that's remotely challenging, but the main purpose is to just have fun with ur friends playing a video game and getting loot.
I've been a mythic raider, and I've raided in classic wow. I don't prefer easier raids because I can't do harder ones, I prefer easier raids cause I can have a beer and joke around and have a good time playing a video game and not be yelling coms and wiping on repeat for 6 hours a night.
Mythic raids needs to be waay easier. Emerald nightmare was one of the best raids and it was cleared sub 1 day for the best and we did it for a month. Thats good. I dont want to super tryhard raid for 3-4 mo ths. Then you burn out.
Cleared Naxx in the first week in Wrath Classic, even got a piece. Felt amazing Blizzard.