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Link to my talents:
Here is a link to my video about how this build actually plays:
Link to my rotation guide for this build:
#WoW #Shaman #Necrolord
Nice video
Venthyr > Necro pve and pvp for enhance man. Chain harvest way too good and you dont need 2 potency conduits so first soulbind is best.
Nice Shadow Hunta transmog (y)
This is great, man. I'm necro cause I main resto but I'll be damned if I'm going to quest resto. Plus I like melee better than ranged so when i queue damage I wanna play enhance. Tiqqle has great shaman vids but they don't address being necro as enhance. I can't wait to try your build. Plus 1!
I went necro as well and again I believe it’s how you build your char . I’m enh shammy as well and I’m enjoying it and doing really well the prime wave with my lighting on multiple targets after I stack and shift is amazing
I have more recently been using Elemental Spirits instead of Earthen Spike.
Dont need fleshcraft in venthyr you get 10% reduced dmg when below 40%, disorient everything around you when you use door(so it stops dmg on you temperarily) and there is at least 2 other conduits that reduce dmg under venthyr. Draven shaman ftw!!!
Your house looks pretty cool
it sucks because I love the lore and with enhance JUST GOT needed for the worsr