Necrolord Rogue Bone Spike Spell Rework 9.0.5 – Shadowlands Guides – World of Warcraft

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Serrated Bone spike is changing to try and buff the Necrolords in all types of content. My favourite covenant but its sadly been behind the others since the start of the expansion. Blizzard are making changes but are they enough

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18 thoughts on “Necrolord Rogue Bone Spike Spell Rework 9.0.5 – Shadowlands Guides – World of Warcraft”

  1. The damage sucks, but for necrolord it's not that bad in M+ where it resets constantly on packs. You can spam it for the flat agility buff from Emeni. Although it kinda feels a little lack luster on bosses.

  2. If the exsanguinate "change" (or bug) stays then Necro is nutty for assassination now for raiding. With these changes if it crits late in a fight it's like a second Marked For Death. Triple envenoms in priority damage windows could be nice. You planning a video doing a full comparison of new venthyr with new necro on PTR? Cos new flagellation gives some pretty disgusting haste and PTR sims have venthyr assassination as top ST rogue spec atm. I already switched to Night Fae from Kyrian when I went from sub to assa, gotta keep a close eye on sims and vids until I know for sure if I'm switching again.

  3. It's crazy how all other classes have a big hitting ability that tops their meters (like 20k crits, consistently) but all I have as a kyrian sin rogue is an 18k-20k crit when I have everything set up correctly, maybe once every 2 minutes. Kind of frustrating cause it just feels weaker, even though I know it's a bleed/poison class


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