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► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide For Classic WoW, The Ultimate Classic WoW Goldmaking Guide (Season of Discovery & Classic WoW) here:
This is a Gold Guide focused on the Vanilla WoW universe, hyper-focusing on Farming Gold effectively & investing your gold into items for profit! The methods discussed in this guide are the same ones I used to make 10,000 gold back in Classic WoW in 2019, and has made me a lot of gold in every version of Vanilla WoW since (Classic WoW, Hardcore Servers, Season of Mastery, Season of Discovery).
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This is a Leveling Guide Built on Quality by Speedrun World Record Holders in Classic WoW & Wrath of the Lich King Classic and you can try the Addon FOR FREE Before deciding whether or not to buy it! They have 2 separate guides for Classic Era, one based on speedleveling, and one based on getting to level 60 as safe as possible, making it PERFECT for Official Hardcore Servers!
► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for The War Within:
This Guide will help you maximize your profits in The War Within by showing you specific Profession Builds, Goldfarms, and various Goldmaking Secrets I’ve picked up from Alpha & Beta, aswell as years of making gold in World of Warcraft! The guide also comes with access to an exclusive goldmaking community, where I will share early access to videos, exclusive videos, aswell as dive deeper into goldmaking!
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Buying my War Within Goldmaking Guide also comes with access to the Dragonflight Goldmaking Guide FOR FREE, helping you get prepared for the upcoming expansion!
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Zygor is The ULTIMATE Addon For Retail WoW, and has Guides for Questing, Leveling, Goldmaking, Goldfarming, Achievement-Hunting, Reputations, you name it! This guide has pretty much everything and will definitely help you in your journeys through The War Within!
Fresh Progression Servers For Classic WoW has officially been announced! We are getting Fresh Classic Progression Servers (PvE & PvP) ASWELL as a Fresh Hardcore Server for Classic WoW! These fresh servers also brings with them a completely fresh economy, which provides insane classic wow goldmaking possibilities & certain classic wow goldfarms will be insanely good early in these fresh servers lifespan!
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If they made Classic Plus on a WOTLK build with stats etc i would be hard pressed not to play. Guhhhh if they commited to continue with SoD going into TBC and WRATH that would be insane, they would be better off just making Classic Plus like that with new content. I know they wouldnt but I saw a modern demo of what WoW would look like if they put it in modern graphics and i was blown away….what the world could look like with almost realistic graphics ….that would be a game changer for sooooooo many. Unfortunately Bliz will never get past milking a game thats decades old for easy money.
Just go play Turtle WoW
Myself i love to see a wrath plus but i highly doubt it will ever happen 😂
You wow players are honestly stuck in a loop, What WoW classic needs is NEW CONTENT like oldschool runescape has done NOT REPEAT HISTORY….WoWBrain is a Disease.
Stop giving Blizzard the easy way to regurgitate the same content every one has played to death, STOP ASKING FOR FRESH AND DEMAND NEW CONTENT FROM EXISTING LORE.
Wrath is NOT classic its the start of retail….. it sucked
Sod could be introducing death knights
stuck on the loop forever lmao
Hoping for Fresh Wotlk Sod+ Hardcore Servers.
Most of u have right. Blizz is just copy pasting and we are not seeing new content in claasic since most of us are old gamer in wow. Wow literaly died after wotlk and about retail. This expansion is one season age i mean all retail expansions. This is why gamers back to classic. Adding ressilience to pvp in wotlk killed pvp system. When gear play for u not skill ofc game will drop its players. Increasing amount of health and dmg and… after wotlk was annoying and bla bla bla.
After years i mean after bfa they realized that. As our mate said just go tutrtle wow if y want a real new content. Blizz became a comerical company and barely u can call it video game company.
Gamer is not important for blizz
Its easy, its because DK
SoD Raid scarlet enclave raid
It would be bizarre to have to suddenly use a different client to play your SoD characters. They have the assets already. They need to bundle it with the build of 1.x.
I don't know what this means.
Fresh wotlk pls
Unless they add the best mounted combat known to man I am not spending time with flying mount expansions
SoD new raid.
About it.
defenetly sod, every 2nd rune is from there
bro imagine skipping TBC as a SoD mode straight to ass of the lich king. huge yikes if thats whats happening. and if its not and its just another game mode, that would be cool to.
God i hope its a fresh wrath server
We dont know if the anniversary were gonna do wrath? I thought it was already announced that they would. Im looking forward to both expansions and will enjoy all that they both bring.
The Death Knight starting zone (scarlet enclave) has an extended area after tyr's hand, which is where the death knights started doing their quests there.
We know there's a scarlet raid coming soon to SoD, and it's very blizzard like to just copy paste existing assets.
As for the models:
The mannoroth model is just the same model of the newly introduced boss in DFC, the new demon dungeon in SoD.
The Lich King model is from the Paladin's weapon quest for Truthbearer, spoiler alert, you go back in time to when Anhoral burnt and Arthas killed Uther. There's literally a model of arthas there.
nå fremdeles bort fra server ja , får faan ikke gruppe til sm er man ikke tank tvunget spec for å spill wow suger
People so high on copium they can't realize SoD is classic +
3.4.3 is probably going to be testing things for Naxx and using Wrath Flex raiding. Since Naxx is in both and the build in Naxx from Wrath would be easier to tune with huge numbers that we are doing now in SOD to Naxx Classic.
I quit 20th anniversary yesterday..its bots and boosters is it..people have 20k gold in a month..not my type of game anymore
I might be only me , but I would love a classic+ with dungeon/raid finder and ultra wow-dad-friendly 😅 There are allready so much options for sweathy min/maxers with too much time at their hands
Please just give me hardcore tbc or any mode that isnt classic imma about to blow my brains out
Classic + based on the 3.4.5 client but with no TBC or Wraith with new dungeons,raids,quests zones and why not have DK in classic but start at lvl 1
WOTLK with the same RDF as Classic fresh would be amazing, Classic is just painful.
would be epic if SOD and properly classic+ anyway becomes: just merge vanilla/TBC/Wotlk and have it be like 1 bigger expansion but scale it to lvl 60 (talent points too so you can pick the same amount of stuff as a lvl 80 in wotlk can on theirs talent trees: also give me Arcane DPS please instead of healer i miss wotlk arcane dps) and then add new updates/content later to this down the line so the whole vanilla world + TBC + WOTLK worlds/areas/raids/dungeons all will at same time be "current content"
brother i wana buy this program but there is only BITCOIN option to pay…. how i can pay with normal money….. just not using bitcoins and that shit, its wery limitationg xd….
edit: was totaly on it to buy this thing and start botting after this video…. but there is no option to pay with MONEY… whathever u do u must buy some shit internet tokens and pay with them….. plx add way to pay without INTERNET TOKENS….. we dont need that we have money alrdy…..
Ugh if we don’t get a tbc era im gonna be livid
Could be them preparing fresh to go through wotlk, could also be real classic plus(vanilla + tbc + wotlk). Only options i can imagine being hopeful for.
This is almost definitely Blizzard pulling assets from Wrath so they can use them in the Scarlet Citadel raid in SOD. Since we know for sure Scarlet Citadel is being developed right now, that only makes perfect sense. It is much easier to snag assets already created, rather than make new ones for SOD.
I really want stuff if blizz do a new classic server they do the game accoring to the ealry patches eg like hunter pets lik eLupos do shadow damage or pets with Intelect stats actually have benefits from this eg- lightning bolts mana pool but ehnagian thos epets had less health . But still something that can be removed in later patches just as blizz did.
wotlk aniversary, pls!