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Panda druids plz..i wanna play druid but don't like current races
Orc druid, orc paladin and orc demon hunter please. xD
Iv always thought itd be cool if the talent points were just 1 pool for both class and spec.
But thatd be harder to balance and they have enough trouble already
I really think they should split the Druid talent trees into 2 separate trees. One for DPS and another for Tank/Heal. Its too hard for them to balance all 4 in ONE tree.
What is the meaning of a Druid set? When are we going to use it unless we play Resto? We must get Guardian, Feral and Boomkin skins instead of these sets which we enver going to see in game as such… please talk about this…
I love the drust theme for druids. Goes back to real life historic druids of Wales where they were blood priests.
guardian really REALLY needs to condense a lot of those 2/2 talents in spec tree down to 1/1's. it has more 2/2's than just about any other tanking spec in the game by nearly twice as much, the payoff for them is so middling that they are almost all skipped, especially the ones in the bottom half of the spec tree, and they all create these blockage investment barriers to get to mandatory defensives. also berserk/guardian of ursoc has 5, count them FIVE talent points to achieve full functionality. absolutely insane amount of mandatory investment just to get a functioning talent.
the druid spec trees, but especially the guardian tree, are just chocked full of stuff that would be nice to have (like extra thrash procs or damage reduction on moonfire) but just absolutely cannot find the points for with how hard that tree milks you for talent points just to head down the right lines to get the defensives you need to function at a baseline level.
man the guardian spec tree is infuriating. i play my prot paladin or my prot warrior and you dont have to make anywhere near the same level of sacrifices and investment just to get your cooldowns. the guardian druids spec tree feels like it was designed by Ebenezer scrooge the week before christmas
Feral still nothing 😂
So the changes are in effect?
MMR changes pls! Mogs/race cars ain’t it….
Class tree is definitely looking and feeling better. I wish that Heart of the Wild allows us to also benefit from current spec buffs to make it a real viable cd for all specs.
Balance spec tree still needs love, especially we’re going to HAVE to take mushrooms for all situations due to 4-set bonus. All other options are way too weak with damage and RNG. Like combine astral smolder talent effect with the choice that we pick beside Astral flare (the crit to filler spells talent), then add another useful talent in there or even bring up one of the bottom talents to add value to the tree without complicating the rotation even more
Class tree is definitely looking and feeling better. I wish that Heart of the Wild allows us to also benefit from current spec buffs to make it a real viable cd for all specs.
Balance spec tree still needs love, especially we’re going to HAVE to take mushrooms for all situations due to 4-set bonus. All other options are way too weak with damage and RNG. Like combine astral smolder talent effect with the choice that we pick beside Astral flare (the crit to filler spells talent), then add another useful talent in there or even bring up one of the bottom talents to add value to the tree without complicating the rotation even more
Also tier set aesthetic is NOT my vibe
Blood seeker viens from wrath or sunfire would be dope for a caster wildstalker build ngl
Is Skull Bash still the only spell interrupt for Resto spec?
15% movement speed at a 1 talent point is still just WILD. So much value, compared to other classes that only get 4%.
gnome druid when?
You have good videos with good content. But I have trouble understanding you. I have to turn the closed captions on. Try to speak clearly and annunciation your words and you will get more viewers.😊
Thanks for the insight. So few people cover druid these days. Drust set is G.O.A.T.
Thanks for posting this, I am really liking the changes to the Druid tree playing a Boomkin!
talk slowsly man , its like ORGHIrghioHRGIOuhiUHFGOIrhgprghIERGirhgoEIRHGROeighgioerhgG relax
Have not been a fan of resto as of late, too many buttons too much to track. Miss my double rejuvs
druid is such a mess imo. i wish you actually shifted between forms more fluidly across all specs. I wish it was more if i use a balance skill if shift to moonkin then if while moonkin i hit a feral skill i shift into feral. also drust is dope but i dont want to be an obease person in order to get the cool forms.
love the tier set, would like to see some work on feral – especially to make wildstalker easier to track visually and to be more impactful in m+
Let’s bring in some new Druid customization forms too lol
I wish Bliz would open up Shaman to a lot more races. Dracthyr and Human would be perfect but Shaman needs more races to be able to play. OR at least give Kul Tirans more face and hair options. Kul Tirans are so Grumpy. I like that they are Beary but they need more face and hair options.