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The War Within prepatch event is available for testing on the beta, so heres an early look at how the event works and how you can get all of the new rewards on offer.
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Timestamps –
00:00 – How to get Prepatch Event Rewards
00:33 – The event
02:37 – How to farm Residual Memories
04:01 – Account wide currency!
05:04 – You need to get there early
05:44 – The rewards
07:59 – What about a release date?
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Only thing I normally care about is how fast can I level my 60-70 alts at the event 🙁
need renown catchup
In an ideal world they'd change the event timer so it occurs every 15 minutes while the zone is active. But make it so you don't get credit for the final boss or each mini event more than once. That way it's not such a race to be there right when the zones change over.
What is the minimum level to join the pre-patch event? I'm looking to level up a level 1 to max through this event.
Sorry for the dumb question but I've never played a beta before. What happens to your beta character once the expansion goes live in August, i.e. does it keep the gear, currency, etc it acquired during the beta?
any indication of how the prepatch event will be for levelling alts? Was always a nice time before an expansion to get the alt army leveled and geared
I am tired of events that “last an hour” but are really only 5 minutes, so you have to base all other gameplay around being there at the right time. Also I’m assuming that the daily is only once per account, otherwise with the transferable currency you’d just do the daily on a bunch of alts and buy everything quickly. Though the 5 minute event does prevent that from being too easy…
Can you catalyst the armor into tier? I am missing some LFR looks on alts, this would be nice if you can!
I’m not too concerned about the MoP remix characters not being able to participate in the full pre-patch, since the gear that drops will be bound to warband, so they can still benefit from those drops.
They need to add an option for panda characters to leave the panda event
Unfortunately, it sounds like another race to the boss….you have a minute to get there….or forget it. Doesn't sound fun to me.
50k currency for mount + 3 pets EZ CLAP will just do 3 daily quest on all classes on day 1 and send all currency to main char aaaaaaaand i'm done with this event BRILLIANT!!!!
If WoW took GW2’s account wide system i would never stop playing WoW. Having all of my currency’s shared between all characters on GW2 is such an amazing feature.
End of july is actually real good for lees competition with other mmo. Elder scroll online just released its gold road chapter lasweek on pc and will next week on console qnd then there is the dawntrail expention july 2nd(june 28 early acces)
Giving some space so they do not loose player to these 2 might be a good move.
feels like every sinlge prepatch event is just a recycle of the same thing lmao for every xpac
3 hunters and a paladin, looks like my account
rinse and repeat rinse and repeat rinse and repeat rinse and repeat rinse and repeat rinse and repeat jesus, i mean seriously, you wow players are boring ash.
Catch up gear for alts and an heirloom ring, well, better than season 4 anyway.
Do we know yet if we can "level" alts in this prepatch event? similar to previous pre-patches.
When does pre patch go live?
Is it starting at old dalaran or new dalaran?
do you mean blizzard account? that is, what will be on the beta can be available at retail?
Ugh July 30th. That's crap timing. I'm AFK for the first two weeks of August. 😢 though I don't doubt someone will have made a addon for anticipating when the zone events happen by then.
With the catch-up gear being warbound, i don't have a problem with my remix toon not getting much time. Ill just store a set away.
I am so glad that the active random zones are annoying and ugly zones… thanks blizzard, yet more reusing of old ugly shit.
Why is their solution to currencies to make them sendable to alts, and not just purely fucking account wide? It's the same exact thing with more annoying steps…
I don't like it. The rewards suck.
It doesnt feel like a prepatch. Prepatch used to mean something.
The end of something and the beginning of the next big thing. The transition. This is lame.
I'm coming back after a long break (we always return) but is my character that im making in remix going to be able to do the pre patch event?
Its unfortunate that you still need to manually transfer currency. An account banking system similar to Diablo would have been far more efficient.
When is the prepatch event starting?
I hope khadgar doesn't die, but something tells me he will
member berries. This looks boring af. I dont want to grind grind grind grind grind some currency for stuff. its work.
Would love a video to show what you need to do to catch up before WW. As someone who quit DF pretty early this would be nice
I really think the regurgitated sht is really annoying, if this war within , I can tell u 90 % wont play it , coming from vinilla player.
The only Dalaran I can get to is the one from Wrath, not from Legion
About pre pach it's fine we don't move to Twe
Timeline seems like Pandaria Remix characters wont be able to do prepatch..maybe they wil give us the option to remove a character from Pandara Remix early?