NEW Endgame Content For ALL Players, Big Class Buffs & Prepatch Release Date Confirmed!

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The War Within prepatch is almost here, there are some big class changes to go over, and we have a clearer picture of how end game will work in the new expansion, with a lot of new options for solo content or world content focused players.

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Timestamps –
00:00 – Prepatch is almost here
00:45 – The Most Important Prepatch Ever?
03:31 – New End Game Content for ALL Players
06:57 – ANOTHER new mythic+ affix
08:18 – Big Changes for Healing
08:51 – Big class changes, buffs & nerfs


40 thoughts on “NEW Endgame Content For ALL Players, Big Class Buffs & Prepatch Release Date Confirmed!”

  1. The sustain nerfs feel needed. A good tank shouldn't go down easily, but a tank also shouldn't be 1st or 2nd DPS, top healing, and never seem to struggle.
    Obvious exception for out gearing content.

  2. I think character select screen rewards should not be locked behind something too hard, should be the reward for like story chapters or the new raid story mode! My two cents.

  3. Blizzard does something good. Kelani: Hip Hip Hooray!
    Blizzard does something insignificant. Kelani: Hip Hip Hooray!
    Blizzard does something wrong. Kelani: Hip Hip Hooray. Right guys? We'll just have to see. Yay!

  4. Dragon Quest hasn't changed its systems or gameplay in over 40 years.

    This is a love letter to the existing base who love Atlus Persona games. I'd even say it might open up to new players given the non high school setting which optically put some players off.

  5. The biggest problem i will see is that players will hit need on every gear item to get their Transmog that they don't need on their main character . That will take forever to get gear that is needed , especially in LFR . I believe Blizzard needs to bring back personal loot .

  6. NO, no. Don’t give them bad ideas Kelani! No mage tower challenge for log in screens! Just tie them to campaign progress. Geez it’s a screen you look at for two seconds. No silly grind farm please!

  7. I always wonder why when they’re rolling out big changes to UI and such, why don’t they roll one thing out a week so if something’s wrong with it, they can focus on fixing it instead of figuring out which thing is having the most issues and constantly having to fix everything at once

  8. "we finally have a release date for pre patch and its sooner than you think" proceeds for 15 minutes without telling us the date but only show us on the screen. so if you are only listening you do not get the information… its July 23 by the way.

  9. 7 classes are still in an unplayable (not fun) state for me. It’s never been this bad. Hero talents are actually working AGAINST your rotation or class fantasy and even put some into an identity crisis thematically. Ion Hazzikostas strikes again. I’m all for new leadership here.

  10. Yo, I have noticed that the new "World" tab replaces the PvP one for the weekly vault. Does the PvP one still exist or did it get completely removed? Would be extremely sad if so, but I have never seen a statement on that before.

  11. I want to say somethings here since Blizzard like to locks up this conversation in forum about Early Access .

    What Blizzard is doing wrong for as Early Access is to let players get ahead of everyone else for 4 days . Which is hitting level cap , doing most of the quests , doing or getting ready to do H Dungeons , getting ahead in professions , and more …. This is truly unfair to rest of the players who didn't buy the $90 expansion.

  12. I am actually interested in all the new solo options. Not because I am anti social but mostly because I don't have that much time to play because of work. So I don't have to feel guilty when I can't play for a week or worry about falling behind with my guild. Now I can play at my own pace 😊


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