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You can do this solo, or in a group! There is one mob that keeps on spawning and it has a roughly 0.5% to drop a Blight-Touched Egg which can give you the Chewed Reins of the Callow Flayedwing, which gives you the Callow Flayedwing mount! While doing this you also have the regular chance of obtaining World Drop BoE Epics, but since you’re not killing too many mobs per hour, the chances of getting that are fairly low. You can also skin the mobs for extra gold!
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#wow #shadowlands #farm
I got the egg after 3hrs of farming, and at that point I had seen 8 other eggs drop for people in my group. But, once the egg hatches, I have the mount! 😀
► Get the Zero to Goldcap Guide 50% off with the code "Solheim"!
The support on this Affiliate Partnership has been insane so far and I'm so happy to give you guys a 50% discount on a product I really believe in! Make sure you check it out if you haven't already!
First? Lol I’ve never said it before
Nice video
Tried this and got a lot of mats and THE MOUNT just after one hour. Very lucky I guess ^^
So do you need to be necro covenant for this ?
lmao I got the egg randomly while doing the first method of skinning you showed in the start of SL. (It hatched today and i got my mount 🙂 ) If it wasnt for ya, I would'nt have made around 600k gold from skinning since start of SL. Thanks a lot.
got mount in 3min and skinning 2 hours gg
what addons do you use to count the drops ?
got the egg within 15 minutes legit didnt even notice sick mount xD
I saw 8 eggs drop in 4 hours and I didn't receive one of them lol. I also just did this with 3 of us. We cycled random people that showed up. I made about 780k from skinning and disenchanting greens.