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Might goof around and level the demon hunter.
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#WoW #Shadowlands #PvP
Hey Para! Please make brewmaster next!
Love your destro lock shit mate, few more of those would be sick
Thanks Para forum making Demon Hunter!
You really made a demon hunter vid before brewmaster? Tapi gonna be upset
nice vid
Hows prot war in pvp?
danm you d oing damage how can ii get geared like you bro
Love to see Paradeeznuts back 🙂
Just an advice, darkness could have saved your ass in a pair of occaisons. Anyway I don't blame you since you play all the classes
im sry if this is a dumb question.. but how u are a tauren DH????
jokes on you guys i already knew he was gonna be playing dh 😎
"This is a tragedy." lol!!!
I dont like the felblade bc the cooldown is too long and i found myself rage starved too often so i take blind fury… my toon also doesnt have any haste bc im still leveling (44)
Just complete covenent campaigns for free 197 set. I had my DH at 200ilvl inside of 13hrs played
I’m so happy you made a DH video before brewmaster
I rlly like the mortal rush pvp talent
Finally A DH vid!
For Rbg its fine in Areny too low healing defensive and Darkness legendary is still RNG defensive Pve Ranged dps meta thing + some rogues
You actually did it. You did DH before Brew… You cut deep Para… Deep
Great Vid! I love DH! Just hope no major nerfs… we won't be able to take anymore hits…
I'm playing one now. but man squishy is an understatement. the survivability is atrocious.
Demonic appetite helps with healing and fury generation
This is why I quit playing wow at launch for xpacs, because it’s always frustrating, unfinished garbage. I only sub and jump in when they release catch up mechanics for the past few xpacs because its sucked so bad
cough Use darkness cough 😉
My man
I like to see DH do better, not happy it's reliant on a temp power, and changing the gameplay to fel rush Again. They've been trying to push that build since DH introduction.
Edit: The thing of it is…. DH was always squishy. It was soul shards, and avoidance that helped mitigate the dmg. This was really obvious to anyone who mained the spec in BfA
armory plz
I think the changes they have made really enhanced Havoc for PVP but the class still feels kind of weak in PVE. How much haste are you running in PVP for Demon Blades? I find it can suffer at bad moments versus Insatiable Hunger which is an overall sacrifice in some damage, but it still crits well and is pretty much guaranteed to have a full fury bar to constantly spend. On another note, I really wish they would buff Essence Break because I think that ability is what can bring Havoc back into commonplace viability for all players.