New Player Reviews World of Warcraft After 6 Months

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This poor soul subjected himself to the torture that is playing WoW for the first time in 2023 and compiled a REVIEW of the game for anyone who might be masochistic enough to try the same !
by @rooxwastaken
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35 thoughts on “New Player Reviews World of Warcraft After 6 Months”

  1. I was about to type up an opinion of how Blizzard really fucked up the experience for new players when they squished the level cap in Shadowlands and made all the content "compartmentalized" by expansion (Chromie Time). Then I realized, if they hadn't done that, it'd be the exact opposite problem: the leveling process would be too long and new players would be forced to slog their way through the entire thing, likely missing all the good shit along the way. Sure, they could make the leveling go faster by reducing the required XP to get through it, but then it's the same problem – they miss things that matter because *there's too much to go through*.
    It's simply too old and has been going too long lol

  2. I still can't find out… I was playing wotlk on warmane, I didn't play any other version of WoW. Just bought the game, 5 days ago and downloaded retail, all the servers I chose were empty or I couldn't meet anyone when questing. Got 2 level 60 characters, 1 character 53, another 40, they are all on different realms. I don't know, where can I find people, maybe I shouldn't download retail and downloaded classic? Also, when I was farming dungeons on wotlk, I was getting some loot, but in that case, I get 1 from 10 dungeons, I don't get how it works. I was playing dot warlock, ret pala, havoc dh, evoker, and now I play with frost mage on another realm in hope to meet some players…

  3. One of biggest "NO NO" for new player experience in current WoW, is very chaotic content gap between certain expansions. Most of the time you feel like doing pointless stuff till u get to newest content. Power gap became so HUGE in earlier expansion that it feels really rewardless to play it. All of pre newest update content feels like filler one, every dungeon raid feels pointless etc.

  4. most rp servers are dead sadly, i havent gotten to rp since wrath, which was the first mass exodus of players, then i left during mists and have taken expansion long hiatuses nearly every expansion until dragonflight

  5. I started in mid september, my experience is very similar to this guy so far.
    I'm just exploring, following the main quests and learning how my class works.
    I started as a Fury Warrior and it was really fun, but I decided to give a try to Aug Evoker, and man, I'm having a blast with it, even more than the warrior.

    Tried a few dungeons, but not so many. Learning how to play in the endgame content is a but overwhelming to me, since there are LOTS of things to understand, as I'm kinda "new" to this genre. And I say "new" cause I tried some MMO's before, and played a decent amount of time, but never really got into them.

    So… I'm patient enough, I think I will enjoy WoW long term

  6. I think people who made them, should maybe make the whole game, and maybe the game would be good again. I love his brutal honesty sometimes ha, TBF I never was a wow fan. I only ever been able to ever log maybe 20 hours on a account the game is just mind numbingly boring. I would rather play diablo, or a FPS

  7. I also started playing Retail in 2023 (I played MoP and WotLK private in 2021/22). I was a Tibia player.

    We had a similar experience! What bothers me most is the fact that the game's lore is not introduced to me. Who are the titans? Who are the Old gods? Who did I save to be who I am? What are my achievements?

    But it's definitely not a bad experience, especially for those who don't have as much time to play anymore. Today I enter the game, do 2 or 3 m+, do a Raid…

    Not to mention that I felt very welcome by the Brazilian community (I'm Brazilian). I said I was new at the beginning of DG, people helped and guided me. It wasn't a bad experience by far… obviously we have bad people, but not all of them.

    I can't discourage people from starting to play WoW in 2023


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