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Concepts: 9.1, ptr, shadowlands, buffs, nerfs, pvp talents
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No shaman love ? 🙁
When will this patch go live?
Why is everything besides unholy dk getting changes? Is it so hard to make those small annoying things fixed? Like getting your pets immune to cc while cds are up? Or buff SR so it is actually worth the maths you have to make to actually land it properly? Really small things can make the spec viable, yet 0 work is done
So we're basically getting a patch thats going to make the pvp experience even worse, love it blizz.
I think shadow priest void torrent should have a vampiric embrace type of heal (lowest party member or split) when used
I played guardian druid in tbc…fml
I get that underperforming specs need huge buff, but why Blizzard are buffing what is already tier 1 in 9.0? it doesn't make any sense. the only hope left for us is to hope those changes are not final, and we'll see more in upcoming parches
nerf mw before they are even decent lol
Every melee has heal reduction and every melee is unkitable. It's like everyone is playing the same class but with different color abilities.
I wanna see unholy reworked
I thought this was burnout paradise at first
Dks are doomed
Magnusz saying that feral drood is doing as much damages as him being a warrior is kinda funny
Give unholy dk some love pliz.
Id like dark sim and necrotic strike from death knight to be base line again. cough buff unholy *cough*.
pls Blizzard fix the Disc Priest, add all his old talents that gave the possibility of proc shield as Divine Aegis, improved shield, Renewed hope, talents that characterized him and differentiated from other specs, for example priest holy and priest Shad have the same DMG absorption on the Disc shield … wtf
Epic new season and DKS get no changes still fck this shit
Nothing for Unholy DK’s though
Unholy needs some real love! I mean the state of DK is abysmal!
SO they buffed already insane damage from DH, monks, ferals, rpals, rogues and wars. Hmm, Blizzard, what about giving shamans some viable talents? What about giving that priests some armors against oneshot? How about nerfing some warlock dmg?
As an aff warlock I am not going to play in 9.1…. OP classes gets boosted and underperforming classes gets nerf….
Should maybe read the notes you put on the screen before you say the complete opposite…. Unbound chaos…..
Uh where are the warlock changes!