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0:00 – Melee
2:53 – Ranged
5:20 – Healers
6:53 – Tanks
#skillcapped #worldofwarcraft #dragonflight
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These f***ers always forget about goddamn frost dk. He need some rework in talents, some huge number buffs to core abilities. Especially on breath builds.
Need Shaman class course pls.
Hey what is this weak aura for your arcane charges at 3:41?
Finally WW's get some love
swap arcane and demo lock then its accurate
Blizzard love Mages and hate Warriors. And isn’t Holy Paladin D tier in healing? Even main holy paladins and its theory crafters have abandoned it.
Destru is actually doing really strong. Like legit same tier as demo now for sure.
Where Feral buffs?
yea, tier lists are so not accurate. if you put arcane as S tier it is clear where you come from. stick to pvp skill capped
The fact that Ele got a 50% EQ buff and that was a negligible increase show just how bad that spell is
Fury much better for keys than arms
during spiteful i could never re stealth i feel like it hurt alot
i bet this guy doesnt even play wow lol …
People really be sleeping on devastation evoker simply because aug exists. Time for FOTM rerollers to pick up mage and start bricking keys instead of bricking keys on DH or aug
The frost changes aren't even that significant. On an overall its only such a tiny bump up really. It still only really impacts their single target viability and their ST was already S tier for M+. It doesn't change their survival which is their major issue in keys. They need to just nerf certain dungeon mechanics not buff damage of specs. Survival is why most these specs aren't brought into runs not their damage.
1. Definitely think arcane can’t be S tier. It sure is great but frost and fire are way better. And it shows on the Raider IO scores. Arcane mages struggle way more.
2. Quick question, would you recommend ignite build for fire or flamestrike and why one or the other? Thanks a lot 🙏🏼
Rsham weak in aoe healing? while being the highest raw hps for raids? huh? 5p cleave healing on shammy is nearly no brained up til +25's. im gonna have to guess they havent played rsham lmao
and still im sitting in quesimulator for 25/26 keys as a mage with good score and 486 ilvl. ppl looking for one comb and one comb only its ridiculous
Nobody is going To buy your guides. But thanks for the good YouTube videos.
That 3% buff to everything for ret made a huge difference specially on single target
appreciate the good information and the quality content <3
I canntell you right now after since 1 week has passed, the buff to earthquake for elemental shaman was ok at best. It didnt reslly move the needle for us tbh. The Spec as a ehole just needs a rework at this point tbh. It does not feel good to play.
Arcane shouldn’t be S. sure it’s great in the right hands but it belongs in A tier. In super high keys it gets punished so hard on mechanics.
Dks are saaaad this season
I didn't know Ezreal's VA also did WoW's Skill-Capped voice overs
Great video, but saying that resonating spheres from pres isn't played in m+ is very, if not ultra wrong (at least during its 5 echo times)
I just came back to the game in Season 3 as a DK main, boy did I pick a bad time. I can't tank to save my life, Unholy is too hard, and Frost sucks ass!
Just a pointer from a Pres Evoker point of view you said at 6:30 that Resonating Sphere doesnt see a lot of play in mythic+ but I would strongly argue that point. Having it hit 5 targets again rather than 3 is a massive boost for us because now we can once again spread Reversion to the entire party allowing us a 10% healing increase at all times. It can also help save a pull gone wrong with combos such as TA (with RS talent ofc) into Verdant Embrace to have Lifebind on the whole party then Emerald Communion.
Skillcappad have the worst tierlists
Where arms buff?
No way arms is above C
I feel skillcapped are just a puppet for Blizzard. Spreading this misinformation
Feral druids need a buff desperately. Even windwalkers are outpeforming us now….
frost dk must be stronger now, at list then unholy dk
I recon Blizz still follows what I play meaning both ferals and arms not gonna get any love till 2029 autumn or so..
I do 24 with my Baer…easy peasy. What more do i need. I am a afternoonplayer not 24/7 so it´s ok for me.
Arcane s tier?? Lmfao nvm these vids are no longer near accurate
The argument that a buff doesn't matter just because they think it's not widely used is the lamest reasoning I've heard in a tier list.
play what you like and get good scrubs
Useless ass video, dk frost not even in list lmao