NEW Warrior (Arms/Fury) Updates! Is THIS Better? – WoW: Shadowlands Alpha

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The new Fury Warrior weapon updates look amazing! Arms getting a few changes to make more sense too! Honestly, cannot wait to start farming up some 1-handers for my Fury Warrior!

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29 thoughts on “NEW Warrior (Arms/Fury) Updates! Is THIS Better? – WoW: Shadowlands Alpha”

  1. Fury warrior feels really boring on an MMO mouse, and Arms doesn't look like it will have sustain in pvp. Looks like I'm not playing warrior again 🙁

  2. If you play Ferver of battle, cleave and dreadnought. Does your cleave do the seismic wave when it consumes the overpower charge? If so could be a method of very consistent AOE?

  3. I think ravenger should be be redesigned to make it kinda like rampage but aoe hits. And have a good animation same time as whirlwind and have it inflict rend on all targets hit. Kinda like going crazy with a big two hander would fit the style of it.

  4. smf needs an attack speed boost. it should always result in more rage generation as well as smoother. 5% ms doesnt make up for the loss of strength and stam. the 8% damage helps a bit but i dont see it stacking up evenly as is.

  5. Fury looks better, but, we still aren't getting any survivability back from the nerf and we STILL don't have a baseline stun. Until warrior has a baseline stun across all 3 specs, I won't be happy.

  6. Single Minded Fury is another thing to balance things around….. I'd be perfectly satisfied if I was just able to transmog those titan gripped 2handers to onehanders.

    Fury warrior looks nice so far. I really hope they won't be CRIPPLED again by false powers of other classes being several times better. In BFA, Fury is laughable for anything but PvP (where you just stack mastery and CDs for extreme Enrage dmg windows, outside of which you only TICKLE), in PvE the azerite traits all suck, none of them stack and even the one arguably the best only really SOMEWHAT works when you have 75%+ crit. That's just really bad class design.
    I look at my pitiful fury dps, then look at Arms who with comparable gear does nearly DOUBLE that, I just want to curl into fetal position and cry. Yet I still carry on, because I like Fury playstyle more than Arms (and since I don't raid I don't HAVE TO necessarily adhere to meta). But numbers-wise it's just SO FAR BEHIND it's not funny. If they only at least make Enduring Rage baseline from a PvP talent, which would make capping haste less important..

  7. Dear bliz, please dont make blizzard or any other ground placed aoe a "smart aoe". it requires skill for the tank to take dps's abilities into account and position mobs to where they are in the aoe. having so many automated abilities is, in my opinion, degenerative gameplay.

  8. I wish they would've just made SMF a cosmetic thing, but either way I'm stoked. I can finally play my Worgen Fury Warrior with his claws as it should be. I hope they let worgen mog their weapons away like Monks can

  9. does anyone know the more technical / complete differences between single minded fury vs titan's fury? i have already looked at the tooltips but i haven't been able to find a real world battle / test dummy comparison that actually factors in the differences. my intention is to do use single minded fury, because i'm trying to get as much mobility as possible as you get 5 percent increased MS with SMF, so i want to pair it with conqueror's banner for a total of 15 percent MS. due to the removal of thirst for battle pvp talent, this is kind of what made me led to wanting to do this particular build method.
    now when SMF mentions 8 percent increased damage, is that meant so that it can then do the same damage that two handed weapons normally deal or even with the 8 percent increase in damage, a same ilvl or comparible two handed weapon will still always do more weapon damage than the SMF build? aside from the weapon damage, it's mentioned that they have more stamina and strength, it seems that at minimum, TG is at least better for stamina, but for the strength part, does SMF's 8 percent damage increase balance out to TG's extra strength, or will having TG always deal more damage off it's weapon or your abilities? also for the stamina part, how much more exactly would it be?
    it would be counterintuitive to spec into SMF if there are more disadvantages to survivability ( due to less stamina and less damage ), even if there is slightly more mobility from the extra 5 percent MS. it will be difficult enough remembering to spam conqueror's banner every 2 minutes or so to get that initial 10 percent movement speed buff.


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