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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
hmmm fuckme, what about if I have a 60 now and my alt is 52? can still choose ?
second -.-
Thank you for this video, very helpful.
Takes 32 solo dugeons to max level
As always. Great video and info thanks!!
I would think you would be able to get the Renown (though capped) and Anima for your Covenant faster since your fully campaigning for your Covenant. There are things that only starts to open up when actually working for your Covenant like the Soulbine and Conduits to some degree. So I’m not sure how much that system is affected leveling via Threads of Fate.
do I unlock it from finishing the story on my main?
i like it i did notice that u get a lot less gold since u are not doing as many quests> Also the pet master WQs have yet to count for my zone progress bar
Hey wanna do a quick guide on your dh build?
Just FYI you also get a decent chunk of cash for the campaign quest and vendoring greens. I got somewhere around 20k gold 50-60 from quests, and selling items.
I want fishing be pvp spec
What class and race is the character from the beginning ? I believe he is called Dalprime. Also, what is the weapon he is using ? It all looks so cool.
Also, how the hell can you already fly ? The expansion has been out for a few days. I've just arrived at the second island and the first one took around 5-6 hours.
it's worth it to go to each area and accept the first quest from each one to fill the bar. the different 5 mans will fill each zone bar on completion
PSA: If you choose Storymode for faster leveling stop at 59.9 or it will lock you into finishing the campaign at 60.
Best feature they've added, lol!
tl;dr did not explain what's fastest or what's best to do.
wil you loose any cosmetic mogs sets of the covenant if you choose for fate mode are there also any specific class quest rewards of sort that y my can miss? if choosing for fate?
Do you have to complete the threads of fate chapters/main quests or are they optional to get to endgame at level 60?
Good stuff Dal, thank you
Now only for them to allow cross faction alt mailing for materials, rip my horde and alliance mains
The only thing I don't like about this system is the fact, that Bonus Objectives give the same amount of exp as single quest – they should give you somewhere near 40-50k exp instead of 10-14k 🙁
Heard that Threads of Fate is real slow if you soloing. Whats the verdict compared to campaigns 8 hours ?
WHEN you said through the maul, you mean the place you get teleport to first from ice crown? And till u escape to oribos?? Also when you said 1st take all class through it, do you mean every single class?
This is a good concept but I don't think ill be doing that…it would've been great if main story was included with all that stuff
I made the mistake of playing my ALT to level 51 before finishing shadowlands on my main : [
butt you cant do the maw on it all that change at 60
Question did you spam normal dungeons to get you're bis legendarie on you're rogue ?
Everyone on my server and discord’s are saying it’s bad.
I wish they just let us choose which zone to start in, I’d love my Venthir characters starting in Recendreth intmstead of just bastion over and over, hitting 60 in Ardenweald makes revendreth feel like such a chore