NEW WOW Fan Reacts To ALL World Of Warcraft Harbinger/Warbringers Cinematics FOR THE FIRST TIME!

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18 thoughts on “NEW WOW Fan Reacts To ALL World Of Warcraft Harbinger/Warbringers Cinematics FOR THE FIRST TIME!”

  1. Azshara is interesting. She is for sure a bad guy, but she has some justifications for her actions. She is my favorite character in the game! I will come back and make an edit to kind of explain what was going on a bit better:

    Will Edit

  2. If you want to see chronologically the actual lore stuff, I recommend you from legion: all their cinematics (you have a lot to see). There are probably videos called Legion full movie cinematic or something like that on youtube….. Then follow Battle for Azeroth, same thing, watch all the cinematics. Then follow Shadowlands, especially the story of Sylvanas and Anduin. The rest is of little relevance. And then there's the current expansion, which is a story with some relevant points. It's called Dragonflight. Once you see all this. At the end of the year a saga of expansions begins. The first one is called The War Within. There's already a trailer . GL

  3. you missed 1 of each Khadgar for Harbingers and Jaina for Warbringers.(oh, Jaina's got that copywrite, ok) There are more of these motion comics though. The Burdens of Shaohao, Lords of War, Afterlives, and Legacies. But there are also tons more ingame and patch cinematics you missed

  4. Aszhara was the most powerful Mage that ever walked on Azeroth btw. Sadly she went quite "evil" and brought the burning legion to azeroth again. This stuff you watched is about her doing a deal with an old god which were sealed by the titans, yet their influence is still there. They were sealed because killing them would rip the planet apart. They are like the harbingers of the cosmos force of the void.

  5. Azshara cinematic: A lot of those night elves did have magic. Why they didn't help? Probably just a creative decision, because it's her cinematic. One part of why she is the queen is definitely because of how powerful she is – which is A LOT. Tons of people underestimate her, but she is one of the most powerful beings in the entire warcraft universe let alone a mortal one.
    Anyway, her downfall is her hunger for power and she still hasn't changed. She will trade a lot for power, including Azeroth. HOWEVER the cinematic also shows that she's clever and she knew in that moment he (N'Zoth, one of the Old Gods) needed her.
    And that is the origin of the race "Naga", who despite their appearance share a history with the night elves (and by extension all elven races).

  6. Copyright booo 🙁 Glad you got to see Jaina tho it's my favorite but im biased because I love her voice actress. Theres a lot of backstory with jaina's that you dont need to know to enjoy it but really makes it hit even harder (thats true for all of the wow cinematics tho tbf, theres only about 30 irl years spent lore building this universe). The short version is she was all about peace and betrayed her warmonger father leading to his death at the hands of the horde. Many years later the horde led by Garrosh go kinda wild and nuke her city and she is unhappy and commits many warcrimes and clearly has many regrets lmao

    Lords of War are some more in this sort of style of character focused short that are really cool, showing some characters from the Warlords of draenor expansion (which is a really complicated expansion to explain due to time travel shenanigans but you dont need to know that stuff for the shorts)

  7. These cinematics are commonly called "2.5D" as they are not quite 2D or 3D. They have been released along with the new expansions for a while now and they are used to introduce characters and/or locations that will be important to the story they are about to release. Most of these characters that you checked in this video have been in the story before but they are re-introduced for the old-timers and a first introduction for the newer players who might not have played all the 20 years of the game.

  8. as someone who got into wow a year ago and had to do insane amounts of catch-up getting into it on my own:

    getting into the "story"/actual world (of warcraft) and immersing yourself into it can be fairly complicated with things like alternate timelines, canon/not canon, retcons etc. might be helpful to have someone who knows about the lore/game to help curate a playlist of cinematics/cutscenes aswell as give a bit of context to it (if you intend to react to more WoW). This would also alleviate the problem of accidentally pausing before important lines of dialogue within these cinematics and helps provide an overall better viewer experience. 🙂
    trying to understand the world (of warcraft), the characters and their background with just release cinematics is (imo) borderline impossible.


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