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u are right. Alextraza is the dragon of life
oh the Lore runs deep alright, approximately 30,000 years, with the Titans coming to Azeroth and wresting control of it from The Old Gods, after which imprisoned them. as well as sending the Elementals that ran wild to their own plane, where they could still interact with Azeroth, but not be so aggressive. at that time they turned Proto-Drakes like Alexstrasza into Aspects, guardians that would watch over Azeroth and protect it in the Titans' stead.
So hyped for the playthrough! Please at least put VODs of the streams on youtube bc i work all the time and most likely wouldnt be able to catch it live
I hope you didn't just buy dragonflight. The new xpac is out in 2 months and if you buy that then you get dragonflight free. Might be a bit of an oof there but it's kinda bad if Blizzard even allowed you to do that. Also you are watching things way, way out of order. The last cinematic is after some pretty big cinematics. Might want to find someone to do you a playlist or have a look for one as the story will make more sense that way.
The last cinematic is like way towards the end Dragonflight. Lots of important stuff happened before that moment.
To sumarise, the electric dragon in the second cinematic is called Raszageth, she is the sister of the other two on the last cinematic, Vyranoth the ice one, Fyrakk the fire one. Theres another brother called Iridikron (he is the big bad one but we dont fight him, just in an instance). Raszageth is the big bad for the first patch, Fyrakk the big bad for the last.
welcome to azeroth!!
you're in dragonflight? but theres more Shadowlands cinematics you still didn't react to
Bro you didnt even finish shadowlands let alone anything before. Who tf told you to watch dragonflight like this?
I'd prefer the stream on YouTube, but I know it has some issues. I'd appreciate at least uploading the VODs though. The only thing I recommend for new players is going through the zones in order of release. Unless you're bent on jumping straight into a certain expansion. That way you can gradually get the story in the intended order and it'll make a lot more sense. They don't really re-explain a lot of things later. Its just assumes that you know whats going on.
If you want we can work it out so i make you whole journey from MoP uptill now from ingame cinematics.
Would be glad to help and make your journey through lore more easy and fun.
8:44 So between the cinematic and the in game cinematic there are already a few videos missing 8:49 So there is a lack of cinematics between them
A little main Dragonflight info:
Blue Dragonflight – Order and Magic, currently lead by Kalecgos, son of Malygos.
Green Dragonflight – Dreams and Restoration, currently lead by Merithra, daughter of Ysera (Ysera was the Green Dragon you saw the Winter Queen help from her seed in Shadowlands)
Red Dragonflight – Healing, Magic, and Restoration, currently lead by Alexstrasza, the first leader of the Red Flight (The big Red Dragon you saw saving 'Stony Tony' (Community nickname), as well as the Red Dragon you saw flying next to the two Dragonracers – Alexstrasza is also the Red Dragon who burnt Bolvar (The 3rd Lich King) thus keeping him alive through the Scourge corruption and plague, and the reason he's on fire while being dead))
Black Dragonflight – Protection and the Earth, currently lead by Ebyssian, also known as Ebonhorn, son of Neltharion (also known as Deathwing)
Bronze Dragonflight – Time, Order, and Guidence, currently lead by Nozdormu, the first leader of the Bronze Flight (Also known as Murozond in the future)
Then we have the side flights:
The Infinite Dragonflight – Time and Disorder, currently lead by a mix of officers, with Murozond at the helm through other timelines (Also known as Nozdormu).
The Chromatic Flight – Corruption and Mixed magics, currently no leaders, previous leaders were Deathwing, and after him, his son, Nefarian. The Chromatic Flight is according to lore, not dead yet.
The Netherwing Dragonflight – The Nether and Black Flight, currently lead by Neltharaku. The Netherwings are born from Nether-twisted black dragon eggs in Outland.
The Twilight Dragonflight – Corruption and vampyric traits, currently no known leader, previously four are all defeated. The Twilight Dragons are created by having dragons feed upon the Netherwing Dragons.
The Nightmare Dragonflight – Nightmare and Destruction, they have been defeated by the fall of Xavius
The Thorignir – Order and Service, currently lead by Thrymjaris. These are Storm Dragons. Their task is to aid the Titans, and have especially been useful for the Titan-Keeper, Odyn.
The Brood of Nithogg – Defiance and Pride, currently lead by Nithogg. These are Storm Dragons who believe they are superior to the Titans, and fight them.
The Plagued Dragons – Corruption and Plague, they were created by the Cult of the Damned, and have since been defeated.
The Frostbrood – Destruction, Undeath, and Magic, once led by Sindragosa, they were the Elite Dragons of the Undead Blue Dragons. Now defunct, as the Death Knights have to seek out their own mounts, with the fall of Sindragosa.
The Primalists – Chaos and Destruction, currently only one known character alive to lead them, Vyranoth, the ice woman you saw in the cutscene standing off against her clutch-brother, Fyrakk (The fire one). The Primalists were originally lead by Raszageth (the big storm dragon you saw in the Dragonflight cinematic). We are still not in the know if Iridikron (Another member of the leaders) has anymore control over the Primalists.
Sorry for the long comment.
Check Dragonflight: Legacies 🙂
@drusenju make sure u buy the new 25$ bundle for wow.
I think it is called return to azeroth bundle
I would be down to see u react to ALL the in-game cinematics, some of them are really dope, even the ones dating back to the Legion expansion C:
Such a great expansion 🙂 But its now time to go, thank you Blizzard 🙂
"Is that the dragon of life or something?
Haha yes that is exactly who she is. Pretty sure it's the dragon of life