Night Elves Going CROSS-FACTION & More 10.2.5 NEWS / UPDATES World of Warcraft

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31 thoughts on “Night Elves Going CROSS-FACTION & More 10.2.5 NEWS / UPDATES World of Warcraft”

  1. yall sound like a bunch of boomers with the hate for cross faction. the horde and alliance squabble in lore literally makes zero sense to keep around for the most part. I also play both sides and to just keep it around is just forced and cringe at this point.

  2. Blizzard 1: "We just made this cool new area for the Horde, it's so gorgeous."
    Blizzard 2: "Should we maybe allow Alliance players here, to really show it off?"
    Blizzard 1: "No ofc not, the factions are a thing after all. If Alliance players wanna see it there is nothing stopping them from making a Horde character."

    Blizzard 1: "So we just made this new awesome-looking Night Elf city."
    Blizzard 2: "Should be restrict Horde players from entering it like all other Capital Cities?"
    Blizzard 1: "No, ofc not, this is such a great city the Horde deserves to also see it."
    Blizzard 2: "But sir. What about the factions?"
    Blizzard 1: "They no longer matter."

    I hate to be that guy but, Horde Favoratism much?

  3. Stormwind and Orgrimar (or whatever the CAPITAL of the faction is) should always remain one faction with consistent updates. its the heart of the faction afterall.

    Any other city i'd say is fair game as long as we have a reason to presently be in the area (We need to help with the Scarlet Crusade, Druidic-alliances, Sunwell etc.)

    Now i do think that we should have a few quests like the Death Knight quest but for the opposing factions: Deliver the letter from Anduin to the Council in Orgrimmar

  4. Imagine Talanji´s reaction if they make Zandalar a Neutral city and Jaina is just there like "Hi besty RIP Rastakhan lol" this makes no sense right? Well NE should not allow horde in their streets you know cuz their burned Teldrassil and all his people… or we already forgot about that?

    I understand if they want the factions gone cuz it would be more easy to play with more people and shit, do it but make it make sense, NE were super anti-horde since BFA and now we are gonna move one like that? this is NASTY 😐😐😐

  5. I doubt Night Elves are going cross-faction. It's probably Blizzard continuing along the path of 'removing' factions; much easier to just make it a thing in a new city, than to go back and revamp an old one.

  6. This expac has really soured me with its yay friendship let’s hold hands approach. Especially I feel the night elf story has been spit on since BFA. To me I don’t see how the nelfs could choose peace and yes let’s allow Horde into our new city while we still have to heal. It hasn’t made sense lore wise at all.

  7. Be me, a mid-30s WoW player that has been playing since I was a teenager. A CHILD. I've played both horde and alliance equally, PVE, PVP, solo, grouped, guilded, casual, hardcore, you name it, I've done it. I have LOVED the cross-faction play since it dropped – no more having to roll a new toon just because a friend is on the other faction, no more limitations to M+/raids, people are a lot more likely to roll a new toon on the other faction because it doesn't matter anymore, I am THRIVING. While I understand the perspective "but the LORE!", try to understand this perspective:

    It is a GAME.

    Many people PLAY this game, and everyone is different.

    I may want to have a conversation with that handsome druid on the other faction with the fancy mog, dancing on a mailbox.

    I may want to help that elf healer that's struggling to complete a quest because she doesn't know how to DPS.

    I may want to play with my IRL friends that have grown up, started families, and/or moved away.

    I may want to play with new friends I've made in other games outside of WoW.

    Why would I want to limit myself to any faction, when every person has the potential to be a new friend? Why would I want to limit myself to one faction, when the world is on fire and we play games to escape that? Why would I want to limit myself to just one faction instead of opening the avenue for new ideas, new perspectives, and new experiences?

    Honestly, some of y'all commenters should be ashamed of yourselves. Go back to League of Legends where you belong.

    (Great video btw! Definitely subbed to keep up! <3)

  8. I do want Blizzard to bring back Archeology. But NOT in its original form. The old triangulation minigame and the immense amount of travelling and RNG to get the items you want was simply tedious. Its in dire need of a rework.

  9. Night elf going cross faction is the most stupid and non change in the game that have ever existed. Almost everything is cross faction now. I dont mind doing raids with horde. I dont know why we cant keep lore as it was and the current faction races as it is. I dont mind having multi faction races like pandaren but god damn. Who are we pandering to here?


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