Nobbel Interview Steve Danuser: From Shadowlands To Dragonflight

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Was given the chance to sit down with Steve Danuser and pick their mind on what kind of story development we might see with Dragonflight.
How do they look back at the choices made with the Shadowlands?
What plans are there to better experience the story ingame?
Where did the centaurs come from and so much more! I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Intro 0:002:39

It’s become impossible to experience the story of Warcraft just within the game. How does the dev team look at this & are there any plans to change this? 2:405:18

And what about putting story into the books? What’s the design philosophy and what might we expect for Dragonflight? 5:1910:05

The Jailer has been retroactively added to the story of Warcraft. How do you view this decision? The good/The Bad and what might we expect going forward? 10:0614:53

Did the First Ones predict everything to come and are we still walking their path set out for us? 14:5420:39

Will the First Ones/Cosmic forces play a major role in Dragonflight? 20:4021:48

Is Azeroth Cleansed of the Old Gods? 21:4922:33
Will Gilneas be fixed? 22:3423:04
Where do the Dragon Isles Centaur Come from? 23:0525:24
Ysera in Dragonflight? 25:2526:34
Cosmic Forces, what role in dragonflight? 26:3528:15

Primalists make a good point, similar to how the Forsworn did. Will we see a repeat in Dragonflight? 28:1630:29

One thing you most excited about? 30:3031:44


Want More Lore?!
The Story of The Bronze Dragonflight:
The Story of Dawn of the Aspects:
The Story of Vereesa Windrunner:
The Story of Wrathion:

Intro screen made by Pakulia:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW


38 thoughts on “Nobbel Interview Steve Danuser: From Shadowlands To Dragonflight”

  1. Few more hours till this goes live and I'm very excited.
    To clarify for some of the comments so far:

    The questions I got to ask were currated beforehand and the interview is pre-recorded, BUT none of the questions I wanted to ask were denied so that was surprising but also awesome. Done my best to get as much in with the 30 min window.

    It's an interview, not a twitter hate thread BUT do feel like we were able to discuss and debate some of the things that I was curious about from the story of the Shadowlands going into Dragonflight.

    Ultimately, I had a ton of fun with the interview and I hope it will inlighten the path going forward into the Dragonflight. Can't wait for the response tonight!

  2. All what Danuser said just sounds like corporate platitude. "We are excited about… We tried to this and that… Our team worked really hard on…" He says nothing definite, all of it sounds like doublethink on his part. Like the story is supposed to be so vague so that anything can be dismissed in later retcons or interviews. I hope that the future of WoW can be bright. I would love to return to Azeroth, butbefore I hear a consensus about the quality I will not be giving it a chance.

  3. Great interview! It makes me slightly frustrated because when he talks about the story he provides better context and more engaging narrative than what we saw in game. It is as though the "blue print" of the story seems good but the delivery in the game just doesn't do it justice. Still mad that Arthas was a blue fart at the end though.

  4. When the topic of good vs bad from the point of view of the character came up, I instantly thought of Neltharion. Deathwing always gets a bad rep but the more I learned about him. Being Prestor or his actual incarnation. I started to feel bad for him. Thousands of years with a couple devils on your shoulder sucks. I feel like any character would have lost that nobility

  5. I liked the jailor and the story around him. I think we're going to learn what he's saying is correct. The prophecy we fulfill is just a single potential plan of an unknowable number of plans. If we'd ended up in Xerith Ordus we'd be the "Arcana Walker" and the beacons would still respond to us because they're supposed to just respond to any mortal of sufficient power to beat the BBEG.

  6. I think it is possible Blizzard is trying to create a narrative similar to the one found in the Elder Scrolls, where we don't actually know what is the truth. Several factions have their own version of events and there are several contradicting accounts of history, and we don't actually know which if any are the real story. You can choose to go with whatever you favor but that doesn't mean you follow the true path, only that you picked the one you liked.
    This might be what Blizzard is attempting, where the info we get might not be the true info, but based solely in the bais of one faction and we can choose to believe that one but it doesn't make it the true story.
    It's kinda like real world religion when you think about it.

  7. Liked the start, the book answers were…questionable but ok let's go with it. But then the constant denying of the jailers impact and retcons, it's enough to make ya worry about future lore

  8. Good interview🙂

    Suggestion to catchup story.
    Make the Great Book that we can:
    1. Show all the story treads and shows want is completed and not completed.
    2. We can see cinematic video cutscenes.
    3. Do quest line replays.
    4. Have access to the books and comics.
    5. We have the option to reduce our level, so we can go back and play story and not just plow through it.

    The Great Book should be placed at city square in Org and SW

  9. Id like for Steve to just write a good story for once instead of wiping his butt over iconic world of warcraft characters and legacies. Arthas, Garrosh, Nerzhul, kelthuzad, sylvanas, baine, Jaina, Tyrande were all horribly done for their own reasons. The entire expansion was a horrible mistake. As long as Steve refuses to plainly acknowledge the absolute narrative dumpster fire shadowlands was and communicate more often and plainly like Ion did with gameplay and systems then world of warcraft will be stuck in a mediocre to bad rut. I hope at least Ion and his gameplay team continue their good streak of common sense changes and feedback adjustments, because wow's narrative and story will always be subpar to awful with current Steve.

    Sincerely, a fellow balding wow player

  10. I think I've written it somewhere else too. Regarding the issue of the story being impossible to follow for the new players. After creating your character and going through the introductory quests, Chromie could appear and ask for your help. Specifically, she could need someone to travel through time and stop Murozond's agents from altering history. This way a player could experience the major moments of WoW history (from the books, the RTS games and WoW) up until the active (or upcoming) expansion. Thus, the new player will have caught up with the events and will be ready to start the new expansion.

  11. Danuser really had no answer for the jailor LMFAO. But I did expected exactly that, no possible answer, no excuse can explain how absolutely dumb the jailor's inclusion and whole storyline is. Probably one of the biggest flubs in any fantasy world.
    Thanks for sticking with the hard questions Nobbel, appreciate that.

  12. I think Steve had a lot of really interesting and encouraging things to say here that gave me a lot of hope.
    Like, I've seen a lot of people try twisting everything he says as negative, just to be able to go "yeah, Blizzard sucks", and while they've more than earned that ire during Shadowlands, I think if we're to give valid criticism and negative feedback in the future, and expect them to be listened to, we have to also acknowledge the good stuff they've done. If they realise we're just jumping on a hate train, they'll just go "meh, it's just haters", but when we give them compliments with as much fervour as we give them criticisms, pragmatically, depending on their actions, then it's going to be a far less toxic and more honest feedback cycle.

    And also, as a void elf player, his answer to the Old God question just brings me so much joy. Thank FUCK they did not decide to go fully through with BfA's bullshit ending of "they're all utterly destroyed, we gucchi, bois".

  13. Steve argues the best villains have an relatable narrative – I would argue the contrary- Garrosh, Gul’Dan, Arthas, Deathwing, Sargaras – at the end of the day are just evil beings that want destruction/death/power

  14. People still think the Jailer is a retcon and that he predicted everything, but this isn't turn by the words of the Jailer himself, that he had to change is plans multiple times , example Arthas resisted and failed his intended purpose. SL for the most part added extra context and motivations behind the lore that we already knew , that is not a retcon, for it to be a retcon it had to change the events in the past to have similar results in the present, example for that was the chronicles book that completely changed the history of Azeroth.


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