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Warcraft has presented it’s 30th Anniversary direct with anouncements for World of Warcraft, like what patch 11.1 is going to bring, what flavor classic classic is and what’s that? PLAYER HOUSING?!
I’m going to take a bit to gather the information and put out a proper video, but here’s my initial reaction… I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^
Some links:
The 30th anniversary direct:
My full stream vod:
Story of Undermine so far:
Heartlands audio book by Chris Metzen:
Want More Lore?!
The Story of Varok Saurfang:
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller:
The Light (and Shadow) in World of Warcraft
The Story of Sylvanas Windrunner:
The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW
Im starting to believe more and more in the "gallywix is detheroc" theory.
to be honest i wanted delves from older expansions imagine doing that even maybe follower dungeons as wow is going more the solo player experience
Yeah i want my goblins to be and stay goblins. I like them the way they are. But yes Gazlo's got a point to a certin extent.
Do people really want MoP Classic? Ew.
Just noticed that blizzard removed the Baron title from the shadowlands expansion!
Man that last talk got me all emotional. I've been watching your videos since Mists of Pandaria beta. You were the first YouTuber I ever really got addicted to. I probably wouldn't be where I am in life if I hadn't watched your "Titans and Old Gods" video during a rainy day.
Thanks for everything Nobbel.
WoW 😴
Wc3 😯
I wasn't even thinking of Legion Remix, but that would be awesome! I hope they do. It's my favorite Expansion.
I cannot wait for the Goblin Content!
I think this made me realize how much I really dislike goblins
Classic classic was hilarious. Classic Andys are another breed dude. Also, dynamic ground mounts! Hopefully those goblin cars bring some new racing fun. The mount changes have been game changing. Blizz really feels so on their game the past couple years. There's been some hiccups but compared to the BFA/SL years, night and day.
be fr who actually played Cata classic?
If this new fresh classic goes all the way into wotlk again Ill do the journey again. The thing I loved so much about 2019 classic is currently my classic characters are 1 to 1 with my main "retail" characters. I raid in retail every week and cata every week and I wouldn't have it any other way.
its always great when a company makes a video sucking its own dick…..
WoW Classic is the new Skyrim.
A Goblin themed patch? Let’s fucking go
Nobble, my question to you is where is Gallywix?
Can’t wait for The War Within Classic. Also Classic to the power of 25 would be awesome! Hurry up please, release them already!
Of course Detharoc I mean Gallywix is alive, called it on discord. Ngl, I was going to be disappointed if we went to the Undermine & him not be there, I mean come on.
im so happy that they were able to give undermine a zone,dungeon,delves and a raid to shine
WTB real estate in Mulgore
Classic Classic im so excited
Hopefully nobody complaining about how much they bring back Classic ever takes a glance at Everquest and how that handles stuff like this.
Not sure if this is the look of excitement or PTSD.
Please let Gallywix fight end with him bribing the players with loot, to leave him alone
I did cry when I saw player housing 😢
Literally one of the two baked in custom maps in WC3.
thia blizzard turn wow a woke game. no ty.
Street racing goblins is the best thing ever lol
Now i know why wow sucks. It's full of wahmen with rainbow hair.
fck you Blizz, I have not spoken anyone in game for like two weeks, even If I write barely anyone responds.
I hope player housing is character specific so I don't have to bunker in all the characters in the same house.
Johanna Faries is doing a pretty great job!
If WoW 2 is significantly different from the original it would likely attract new players or bring back those who no longer enjoy the existing game.
A lot of people love the Warcraft lore and universe but find it difficult to play with friends who have different skill levels or varying amounts of time to play. For many, one of the main reasons to play WoW was to experience it alongside friends. But as life goes on, balancing playtime becomes challenging—some can play 8+ hours a day, while others only have 2 or 3 hours. This often leaves friends at different levels, making it impossible to enjoy the same areas, quests, or dungeons together. This is a major issue that would need addressing in a new version of the game.
One potential solution is to remove character levels and introduce a progression system based on different skills. This way, players could expand their characters in a variety of ways rather than focusing on a single, linear level grind. This broader progression would help friends with different playtimes and abilities enjoy the game together more seamlessly.
Monsters and Areas:
This would mean that areas would no longer be divided by level ranges but instead would simply contain different types of challenges. Some monsters would be easy to defeat while others would be very challenging—not because of a level difference, but because they require different skills. For instance, fire spiders would take heavy damage from frost spells, making them easier to defeat for frost-based characters, while fire-based characters would struggle against them. There is a lot of room for such differences when you think about melee, ranged, non spell , spell , frost, fire, poison (maybe different poisons), lightning, shadow, light, nature etc. damage and different types of armor and resistences. There is a lot of room for NPCs that can provide challenges. Some maybe have a special ranged armor. So characters with only ranged weapons will struggle a lot while melee characters can kill them more easily. Some monster are alone, but tall and strong and others are small and weak but many of them. I think WoW have some good examples how different challenges can be created. This doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be any depth at all. There can still be stronger and weaker fire monsters, but not as strongly sorted into areas as in WoW. And then think about the combination of all of this. There is room. But I understand that only people with a lot of creativity and imagination can see it.
Gathering materials:
The same logic would apply to gathering materials. Certain valuable herbs might be found in starting areas, but their value wouldn’t come from being in high-level zones; instead, they would be rare simply because they don’t grow often in these areas and are also hard to find or expensive to buy from merchants. These herbs could even change their spawn locations to dangerous sections of a zone or deal specific damage, like poison, when attempting to harvest them. There could be a variety of poisons, each with different ways to build up resistance. Some armor or gloves might provide resistance, while other methods could require gathering less dangerous herbs beforehand to temporarily boost resistance. Others might involve crafting potions with multiple ingredients to create a lasting resistance effect. These resistances wouldn’t necessarily prevent damage, but they would allow players to avoid fatal outcomes when harvesting rare plants like getting a disease that makes damage, slows, reduces attributes etc. So also here are a lot of possibilities.
NPC Vendors:
And NPC vendors adjust their prices based on how much of an item is bought from or sold to them, with programmed limits, of course. Vendors who buy or sell items that are far from their source location also have different prices compared to vendors in areas where the items are commonly found. So that it could be worth gathering a lot of a resource, embarking on a long journey, and then selling it for a profit. Players can set their own goals this way.
Equipment should also be able to break, so the need for new items doesn't always have to come from new expansions, but rather from an in-game economy. Equipments that are properly maintained can even last forever, but you would need to gather materials for their upkeep. If, like in WoW 1, you’re constantly finding new, better items every 60 minutes, you might as well find materials that help you maintain or improve your current equipment. But it is also totally okay to find sometimes new and better items. But there is no need that almost every mob drop an useless item. And because of the bigger variety they can drop a lot of different other things that really have a need someday or for somebody and have not only to be sold. It also brings players together more. The needs of each player create trade opportunities, which in turn generate their own missions, journeys, and new adventures so players can tell their own stories.
My last idea would be that the journey is the goal. The world shouldn’t be filled with fast travel systems and mission markers, but rather, the desire to improve your character should be the goal, and this should be achievable everywhere in the world. There can be dungeons, where finding and traveling to them is an adventure in itself and a self-set goal. Completing the dungeon would then become a new adventure and a new self-set goal. It’s fine for these dungeons to offer well-known and good items, but the journey there should be stretched out, not shortened, and the path should be made as interesting as possible, with plenty of challenges and things to discover. It should be normal for a path to be interrupted by new challenges. That is what makes a player's journey unique and interesting. So the game feels more like a long road trip with friends.
This approach would be more about expanding diversity rather than depth. However, this would require a lot of creativity, as there would be no simple streamlined solutions.
To give everything a level is the most easiest way to build up a progression system. But today, we have more experience and better technical possibilities.
WoW needs to be reimagined, thought of in a new way. Then, a WoW 2 might not pose such intense competition to WoW 1.
That is the mmorpg I'm waiting for. I don't care about its name. But would be good to have such a game in a Warcraft universe what many people prefer.
So, Microsoft and Activision Blizzard, then get to work!
I still use your legion orderhall campagin's to fall asleep too, it just brings a certain peace to me now that im at weird and rough part of life
as a goblin main I AM SO EXCITE
Fucking hell if gallywix ends up a fucking dreadlord im going to flip
Player housing… give me a break. Who cares! The house is burning and instead of putting out fire they water the pot flowers. Game has so much problems and instead of addressing them, they devote huge resources on this meh BS.
It's so nice to see Nobbel excited.
I missed the initial stream, but watching the highlights with your reactions reminded me why wow still has me captivated. Thanks for all you've done with bringing the game lore to the forefront, your videos are deeply appreciated.
"To a lot of people WoW is more than just a game. Its the community and people you meet." ❤
Undermine is preparation for us to get playable Tinker class in Midnight, mark my words…
13:37 that mechagoblin look badass and i super hope that they'll be the next horde races just like the mechagnomes
People have been asking for a classic restart and then so many in your comments were whining lol
The lack of quality of life updates made me quit WoW a very long time ago, player housing is a good step in the right direction depending on how it is